"I want him to hurt." (Stars fall)

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A word intended to be just barely a whisper turned into something Virgil didn't think he'd be able to take back.

Eyes snapped towards Virgil's hunched in frame, the air suddenly feeling thicker, staler.


It was stupid, lingering near an open door he knew better than to approach.

Feelings of curiosity flooded his already overwhelmed system, a craving of inclusion gnawing at his insides, infecting more and more of himself as he listened into hushed voices.

"He isn't anxious enough yet. I should feel it dripping of off the both of them, yet I don't. For all we know, the light sides may well be blocking Anxiety's effects."

Eyebrows furrowed, Virgil's heart skipped a beat.

An exasperated sigh broke the silence before the same controlled voice continued, "I need to see something, Remus. If I can't see anything, how is Thomas going to feel any of it?"

The name panged something in Virgil's chest, though he was unable to tell exactly why. An aura of familiarity lingered around the name, sparking something in Virgil's chest he'd never felt anything like before.

"Be hard on him. I don't care what you have to do to him, just make the effects visible, do you hear me? I want it to be impossible for him to rid that sense of dread from his stomach. I want to see that flicker of fear pass over his face whenever he catches so much as a glimpse of us."

"I want him to hurt."

Virgil's breath caught in his throat, eyes turning glassy as the words sunk deeper into his core. The word that would prove to be his downfall slipped out of his mouth before he could register his lips moving.


The way Virgil's gut churned was almost enough to make him double over in something akin to agony.

Two sets of brown eyes snapped towards him, Virgil finding himself completely immobile as he screamed at his legs to move.

The voices dissipated, a silence like the one that usually fell over the dark side commons ensued.

A look something Virgil couldn't quite place was exchanged between the two, the world playing in slow motion moments before Virgil ripped free from the fear that gripped his very being at the sight of Remus stalking towards him.

Virgil's head buzzed as he forced his shaky legs to move, finding it near-impossible to place one foot in front of the other. Virgil stumbled as he tried to find his footing, not daring to spare a glance to the sight he knew awaited him.

All Virgil's effort was carelessly pushed aside as he felt a rough hand on his upper arm, everything coming to a halt as Virgil's shoulder was pulled taught.

Virgil registered pain blooming over the length of his back which ricocheted though the rest of his body.

Remus gave Virgil no time to collect his bearings before he slammed his forearm against Virgil's neck, the others eyes widening as he uselessly pried at an arm that refused to budge.

"Whaddya think Jan, think he's gonna keep our secret safe?" Remus' too bright eyes stared into Virgil's fear filled ones as he took in every crease of his eyebrow and every drop of sweat that dripped down Virgil's face.

On instinct Virgil found his eyes darting towards the doorway that started the entire ordeal, fear evident on his features as Janus inevitably came into view, whose face displayed nothing but apathy, judgmental eyes looking Virgil's shaking frame up and down before settling near Remus.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07 ⏰

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