"What is the punishment for trying to leave?" (Analogical)

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This isnt meant to be kinky, get your head outta the gutter.

Logan was making his way to the kitchen to fix them a meal. Now was his chance to escape. It all started out with Logan telling Virgil to do harmless things like talk to some of his friends less because they were a 'bad influence', or telling him to take more time off work, but now, he wouldn't even let him go outside because he 'didn't need it'. Virgil slowly walked to the door, keeping an eye on Logan. Once he was about a foot away, he turned around and reached for the handle, only to collapse on the floor after he felt a static pain in his leg,
"And we're do you think your going, love?" Logan asked through gritted teeth,
"I-was, uh" Virgil knew he was screwed, so there was no point in trying to hide the truth,
"You weren't maybe, I dunno, going to try and leave me, we're you now Virgil? Because if you were, I'd have to do something to you, remind me what that is again? " Logan asked, pulling him up by his hair and shoving him against the wall,
"Y-you'd have to p-punish me,"
"Right. And what is the punishment for trying to leave?
"F-fifteen whips," Virgil whispered, barely being heard by a now seething Logan,
"That's right," Logan replied while dragging him downstairs, still a firm grip on Virgils purple tinted hair,
"I'm s-s-sorry Logan. I-i just wanted to go out f-for a bi-" Virgil was cut of when a gag was forced into his mouth and strapped around the back of Virgils head,
"Turn around " Logan coldly said. Virgil did as he asked, Logan snapping his fingers making Virgils top come off. Logan raised the whip and hit Virgil. He let out a muffled scream, doing his best to stay still.
"You're a fucking idiot, you know that Virgil? You don't deserve me or anyone else. You're worthless. You're disgusting. You're my rag doll." Logan yelled at Virgil, repeatedly whipping him. After about an hour, Logan finally stopped. Virgil was on the verge of unconsinous, immediately lying on the ground and hugging himself. Logan grabbed him harshly by the arm, throwing the gag onto the floor and taking him into the bathroom. Virgil wasn't going to fight him. What could he do? He was powerless compared to Logan. He knew from last time, breaking up with Logan wasn't an option. So he sat through the pain, the forced hugs and the punishments, accepting that this was his life now, and there wasn't a single thing he could do about it.

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