"You really have lost it princey." (Roman and Remus)

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I finally got this done. Thank you saddysadler for the prompt. Sorry I took so long, I hope you like it!

Tw: u!Remus, u!Patton, suggested u!lightsides, implied mind control?

Roman, amongst the other sides, had grown used to Remus' antics by now.

The constant pranks and mischief he got up to was considered normal to them.

It was, up until he started talking to Roman more.

It wasn't like he hadn't seen his brother in years, but they never really talked or got along in recent ones, so it was a shock when Remus started making civil conversation with him.

It appeared harmless.

He sometimes snuck into Roman's room, scaring him and laughing at his overly-dramatic response.

They seemed to be slowly rebuilding their relationship.

On the outside at least.

Harmless talks turned into Roman doing reckless things.

Remus was never known as the persuasive one, but when it came to encouraging Roman to do impulsive things like breaking all the plates in the light mind palace, he was a natural.

It was things like that that grabbed the others attention more.

Not in a positive way, either.

When Patton came down the next morning, he interrogated everyone, until it was made clear Roman was the cause of this.

He scolded him, saying he didn't deserve to be living with them and should just move in with the darks.

Roman barely had any recollection of this happening, only a few blurry memories.

Still, he stood there like a child, silent as Patton yelled at him.

He was forced to stay in his room for the next few days, only being allowed out once he'd learned his lesson.

He spent this time trying to remember what happened, and why he did it.

He would never do something as reckless as this.

The only person who would be is-


He must've been the cause of this.

He used to pull stunts like this as kids, using his impressive yet intimidating persuasion skills to do bad things.

He was going to get Remus for this.


Roman angrily rose up in Remus' room.

"Woah there princess, aren't you meant to be in time out?" He asked, leaning back on his chair from what he was working on.

"I got let out early." He hissed, "I'm here to ask about what the fuck happened with me and the plates!" He said, making Remus laugh.

"You're still sad about that? C'mon, it was just a harmless prank." He said,neolling his eyes.

"A harmless prank?! I got locked in my room for almost 5 days! How is that the result if a harmless prank?!" He yelled.

"I just used some of my power, it's not a biggie. Besides, seeing you get scolded is halirious!" He said, fake laughing.

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