"A finger would do nicely." (Prinxlogical)

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Tw: u!logan, amputation.

This didn't feel like his bed.

Something hard and uncomfortable dug into his wrists, keeping them tightly bound together, along with the coldness of concrete chilling his skin.

Virgil's world was filled with darkness, not seeming to disappear after opening his eyes.

Nervously he called out, hoping to spark the attention of someone nearby, if he was lucky.

Groaning next to Virgil startled him, making him awkwardly roll around to face where the noise came from.

The voice next to him tried to speak, instead coming out muffled, followed by confused yells.

Virgil was confused for a brief moment, before frantically sitting up and the recognition of the voice.


Roman, as expected, didn't say anything back, instead letting out a noise of shock and reassurance.

"What the hell happened?!" He asked, trying to twist out of his binds.

Virgil's head whipped towards the sound of a door opening and closing, followed by footsteps moving close to him.

Virgil subconsciously moved back, falling onto his back again.

"Don't worry. This isn't your fault, Virgil." The voice said, grabbing him by the collar. He yelled out, trying to shake himself out of the strange man's grasp.

"Who are you?! What the hell is happening?!" He said, screaming and thrashing.

"My name doesn't matter at this time, but I'm sure your boyfriend will know exactly what's happening." He said, throwing Virgil near the wall.

"What- Roman what's going on?" Virgil said desperately, fighting off a panic attack.

Roman started to talk behind the tape, but was cut short with a kick to the side. Virgil winced when Roman grunted out.

"I have some business with Roman to sort out." He said, taking off Roman's blindfold, "this will be alot better if you both sit back and do as I say." Logan finshed, chaining up Roman's leg, limiting him to moving less than a meter.

"Roman here, hasn't payed back the money he's owed me for about a month now. I did warn him what would happen if he didn't pay up, yet he chose to ignore those warnings." Logan said, walking over to Virgil and rolling him over onto his back.

"Wait wait, stop- what did he do? I'm sorry, we can sort this out, just please let us go!" Virgil blurted out, the darkness now starting to mess with his head.

Logan tutted.

"I'm afraid it doesn't work like that. This is on Roman here, so now you have to pay the price." He said, bringing his foot down onto Virgil's gut, who yelled out in pain.

Roman let out a muffled scream, leaning forward in his restraint, eyes wide.

Logan looked over at him to form a mock face of pity, "Awh, feeling sorry for your boy-toy? Why would you be, you're the reason for this." Logan said, kicking into Virgil's side.

Virgil coughed a few times, rolling over to where he thought Roman was.

Logan walked over to the corner of the room, pushing over a tub of ice water.

Roman frantically shook his head, making noises of protest behind the tape.

"Roman? What- what's wrong?" He said, anxiety spiking again.

Logan smirked to himself, grabbing Virgil by his hair and putting his face near the tub.

"Anything to say, Mr prince?" Logan said, making eye contact with Roman's fear filled eyes before dunking Virgil's head into the water.

He choked on the freezing water, feeling his lungs inflame. Icy water poured into his mouth, causing him to gag and choke. He tried to harshly pull his head out, desperate for air, but the grip on his hair didn't loosen.

Just as he felt like he was on the brink of passing out, the hand in his hair pulled him out of the water. Beyond relieved, Virgil sucked in a copious amount of air, coughing and choking. His hair stuck to his forehead, and he could barely feel his face.

Roman was screaming behind his makeshift gag, ankle red from the amount of pressure he was putting on it.

Virgil heard Roman's crying, adding to the tears that were already pooling in his eyes.

Midway through taking a breath in, Logan dunked his head back under. Virgil's world was flooded once again, water going up his nose and down his throat. He tried to bring his head up, using all his left over power.

A few seconds later, he felt like he was floating. His head felt light, he felt hazy, almost as of he could fall asleep.

Virgil was jerked out of his trance and Logan lifted him up. Virgil coughed and sputtered, taking shaky breaths, trying to pull himself together.

"How are you enjoying this Roman? Seeing your pathetic boyfriend like this, knowing it's all your fault." Logan said, smirking as tears fell down Roman's face.

"No matter. Time for something new." He said, ripping Virgil's blindfold off and chucking it on the ground.

Virgil blinked a few times, the dimly lit room burning his eyes.

Once he could see cleary, Roman caught his attention. He looked horrible. There was a cut on his head, blood trickling down his face and puffy eyes from crying. Virgil's heart shattered like glass.

Just as Virgil went to speak, Logan yanked him back by the hood, making him fall back.

"I think I know how you can properly pay me back Roman." He said, undoing Virgil's ropes and hoisting him into a chair, tying his hands back up.

"A finger would do nicely." He said, venom in his words.

Virgil's eyes widened, that was the final straw for him. He started thrashing in his chair, sobbing.

"NO NO NO, PLEASE DONT! IM SORRY JUST PLEASE, SOMETHING ELSE!" He screamed, yanking his hands against the ropes.

Roman joined in with the aggression, yelling muffled threats at Logan, who only carried on with getting his equipment.

He came back with a large pruning shears and a bag full of ice.

Seeing this made Virgil cry even more, leaning away from Logan, who walked over to him and grabbed his hand.

"Sorry, Virgil. Like I said, Roman is the cause of this, not me. I'm merely making it happen." He said, lining the shears up to his pinky.

Virgil screamed and cried, desperate to get him away without hurting himself. It was a loosing battle.

Logan clamped the shears toegther. Virgil screamed, nothing like he ever had before, until his voice broke. The blade sliced through his skin, crunching the bone. Blood poured all down Virgil's wrist and onto the floor.

Roman's face was covered in tears, his ankle also being a mess of blood and bruises.

Logan grabbed the finger, putting it in the bag.

"There. All finished."

Virgil sat there, still sobbing, his ribs wracking with every cry that ripped through him.

Logan walked over to Roman, taking his ductape off with an aggressive rip.

"LOGAN! YOU FUCKING PRICK, I'LL KILL YOU! YOU ARE NOT GETTING AWAY WITH THIS YOU SICK-" Roman yelled, cutting short when he felt a fist connect with his face.

"No, you will not. This is what happens when you don't pay up. I won't do anymore, not unless you make me have to. Understood?" He said, speaking to him as if he was a child.

Roman looked up at him with angry eyes, chest heaving with every breath he took.



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