"You're just overthinking" (Janus)

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ocd (not a trigger but it's in here) and a shit ton of venting :/

It was getting worse.

Not bad bad, but enough for him to start worrying more than he already had originally.

Its not a brain bleed or a blood clot, its all goods

It was that sentence that he was always repeating in his head. But not by choice, because he had to. Of he didn't, it would happen right? His brain would mess up and he'd die RIGHT?!

But if no one else pointed it out that much, then he's obviously faking it. He's done research and is almost positive he has OCD, yet the one time he tried bringing it up to any of the sides, it's just dismissed as overthinking.

"Oh dont be ridiculous, you're just overthinking. You've always been like that" Patton said with a laugh, not thinking that his words would have any impact

It took alot of courage to even mention that he thinks he has it, after all he's been dealing with this for MONTHS now.

"Hey Logan, I think I have ocd" he said to the logical side, "I have to do these things in my head and have, like half controlled tics?" He said, even Janus was unsure of what they really were,
"Everyone has their quirks, we all do little things like that, don't worry too much about it" he said, in a caring tone.

A million thoughts flooded his head,
"So you're telling me 'normal' people do this?"
"'Normal' people have to 'get the cancer' out of their food, people, even avoid eye contact out of fear of them being 'contaminated'??

Of course he didn't actually say any of this out loud, instead giving a small nod and saying goodnight before disappearing into his room for the night.

So there's nothing wrong with him? All of those frantic 1am research sessions dont actually mean anything? Having to stop breathing to 'get the cancer' out of his breath was normal huh? Shaking his hands before he grabs anything to get all the 'bad stuff' out is 'NORMAL"?!

Yeah. Totally. Normal.

Nothing wrong.


Doing it to be 'cool and quirky'

After all, Virgil said that 'we all have a bit of ocd in us' and said that Janus thought he was special for having something like that when he's not.

But im not faking it


All he could really do is convince himself that someone would notice. Talk to him about it, see someone. It'd happen someday.



I guess one of the nice things about writing is being able to project onto your favourite characters huh. Idk just ignore this, I just wanted to put my thoughts somewhere. I'll have another oneshot out soon, hopefully.

Love you qurikies :)

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