"You thought you could get away from me?" (Moxiety)

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(This was like, one of the first things I ever made so its very crigney, you can laugh its ok)

He woke up in the middle of the basement. Virgil was exhausted from what happened last night, but that wasn't even his punishment. A beam of light burst into the room, quickly fading back to the darkness he was afraid of. Virgil coward away from Patton, only to be grabbed by his hood and shoved up against the wall. "You thought you could get away from me? So naive and stupid." Patton said as he punched Virgil in the stomach, causing him to yelp,
"P-Patton please- I-ill be good, i-im sorry f-for talking back t-to you, just p-plea- I'm begging you-" He stuttered on the floor, shaking. Patton didn't care though. How would he learn from his mistakes without being punished?
"Sorry Veve, you know what you did, and you know what I have to do" he grabbed Virgils hair and chained him facing the wall.
"I wanna play a little game with you. I'm gonna whip you 10 times, but every time you scream, I start over, ok?"
Patton cracked the whip, Virgil letting nothing but a whimper escape his mouth. By the third time, he screamed at he top of his lungs. By now Virgil was a sobbing mess. After what felt like hours of whip after whip, he was finally released and feel onto the floor, a mess of tears, blood and uncontrollably shaking. Patton left the room, returning with bandages and rubbing alcohol. Virgil screamed in pain as Patton carefully cleaned and bandaged the wounds, while whispering words that used to bring him comfort, now nothing but pain.

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