"Don't bother coming back." (Ro and Re)

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Thank you Pattan0patton for the request, Renus wasn't that mean, but I'm happy with how this turned out so yeah.
Tw: barely mean Remus, there's not u!Patton this time, I surpirsed myself.

Romans ego was more than he could handle sometimes.

It wasn't like he tried to be the center of attention, he didn't always need it anyway.

He just, seemed to naturally take all the spotlight. He wasn't complaining though.

Up until everyone started to get...fed up with him.

They grew annoyed with his dramaticness and always needing to be the center of attention.

Whenever they decided to bring it up, he would comeplety deny it, saying he was sorry and would try to control himself more.

He never did though. It was an endless cycle of bringing attention to the problem, to apologizing and doing it all again.

They all had enough of it. Roman had to know.


They all decided to talk to him all at once, seeing as they'd be shut down if they approached him by themselves.

They decided to talk to him after filming a short video, thinking it would be a good time to catch him in the act.

"Roman, before you leave, a quick word would be appreciated." Logan said, stopping Roman just as he went to sink out.

"Sure teach, don't make it take long though, I have stuff to do." He said, a cocky ring to his voice.

"We wanted to talk about how you act in videos, specifically around us." Patton said, trying to sound as kind as he could.

Romans face scrunched up with confusion.

"The way I act? I don't see anything wrong with how I act." He said, taking full offense.

"Not necessarily how you act, more of how you let your ego affect you." Logan said, pushing up his glasses.

"My ego? Look, we've talked about this, I get it. I'll try better this time, alright?" He said, trying his best to dismiss this conversation.

"But you won't, Roman. We bring this up alot, and you always find a way to dismiss us. We're done." Logan responded.

"Yeah. We've been thinking, for a while, that it'd probably be best for you to stay somewhere else for a while..." Patton said, being careful careful his choice of words, not wanting to elevate the situation anymore than it had.

Roman was visibly shocked.

"So you're kicking me out?" Roman exclaimed.

Patton went to talk, but Virgil interrupted him.

"Yes, Roman, were kicking you out. We're done with your shit." Virgil said, done with playing nice.

Roman tried to straighten up, putting on a brave face.

"You know what? Fine, I'll leave, I never liked it here anyway." Roman yelled.

"Roman wait-" Patton tried to call, but he already sunk out.

"It's fine, Pat. He just needs a break from us, as do we." Logan said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah. I'm sure it'll be ok."

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