"Keep on moving and your tounge won't be the only thing I'll cut." (Moceit)

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Tw: cutting out a tounge, not in detail cause I'm lazy, u!Patton, but I'm sure you've realized he's in these by now.

Waking up to find your arms tied to the headboard wasn't ideal.

In fact, he would've screamed if it weren't for the soft hand covering his mouth.

Patton looked at Janus and smiled, a smile that was too genuine for the situation they were in.

"Sleep well kiddo?" Patton asked, slowly removing his hand off of Janus face.

"What the hell are you doing?" Janus asked, trying to shift himself to a more comfortable position.

Patton giggled. "Oh come on, after that little stunt you pulled last night, surely you must know." He said with a sweet yet shit-eating grin.

Janus' eyes winded a bit at the memory, images of the day prior flooding back into his head.


"Listen, I say we stop messing around and just tell her we don't want to go." Roman said, already annoyed with everyone.

"Yeah, but what if she asked why we can't? I mean, we're screwed then." Virgil said, biting on one of his hoodie strings. Roman was about to speak when Janus interrupted.

"We could tell her we have an important job interview. She doesn't know about the whole YouTube thing, so she wouldn't have a valid reason to suspect anything." He said offhandendly, earning a look from Patton, who tried to keep his composure.

"But Janus, don't you think we've already told enough lies lately? Surely it cant be that bad, I mean, it's only a weekend!" Patton reasoned, trying his best to make that snake shut up before he got himself into more shit.

"Oh yeah, because spending an entire weekend with your homphobic aunt isn't 'that bad.'" Janus snarled, looking at Patton.

Patton had to repress the urge to slap his scaled face back to the dark sides mindscape. Instead, he fixed his glasses and carried on talking.

"Well..I guess you do have a point huh! There goes me being wrong again." He said with a slight frown, "It's fine though, Janus knows best right!" Patton said, feigning a smile before sinking out.

No one spoke for a few seconds.

"Did he just try GUILT TRIPPING us? HA, that's a laugh and a half." Janus said, pretending to wipe a tear from his human eye. "Well, if we're done with this little predicament, I have some business to attend to." He said, saying goodbye before sinking down.

He didn't know how badly that was gonna bite him in the ass.


"Okay, so I may have been a little sarcastic, but you gotta cut me some slack, ok? You have to admit, I had a good point." Janus said to Patton trying to convince him to think logically.

Patton tutted, "yes, but you know how much I hate lying, especially sarcasm. It makes me feel bad." He said, face twisting to a sad expression.

Janus just started at him and laughed.

"I do love your pathetic attempts at making me feel bad, do continue." He said, smirking as he spoke.

Patton, once again, registered to urge to hit him. Violence wasn't the answer.

Not yet anyway.

"I'd do all the talking you want to now, if I were you." He said, completely changing the subject, which caught Janus a little off guard.

"'Do all the talking I want now', what is this, some cult initiation?" Janus said.

"Something like that." He hummed, grabbing a scalpel.

Janus looked over at what he was holding.

"What's that for?" He said, rasing his eyebrows and slightly cringing.

He ignored the question.

"How easy would this slice your tounge, do you think?" Patton said, inspecting the blade, glistening under the light.

Janus paled.

"Good luck with that." He stammered, trying to conceal his fear with sarcasm.

Patton smiled.

"Thank you, although, I won't need it. I've practiced on the figments plenty enough." He said dismissively.

"Figments? I thought they disappeared years ago." He said, now even more confused from what he was.

"I had to keep some around. Who else would I do all this on?" He said.

"You have issues." He hissed.

He shrugged.

"Who said being a little different was bad?"

Patton opened Janus' mouth, catching him off guard.

Janus tried to bite down on his hands, but Patton was too quick.

He forced his mouth open more harshly, taking the opportunity to slice his tounge.

Janus screamed out in pain, blood filling his mouth.

He tried to sit up and cough, but the angle he was tied in kept him firmly in place.

He almost started to choke on his blood, instead, spluttering onto his shirt.

Patton forced his mouth open once again, trying to stop Janus from   squirming.

"Keep on moving and your tounge won't be the only thing I'll cut." He hissed, making Janus stop squirming for a second.

He went back in with the scalpel, slicing the rest of his tounge.

He screamed out in pain again, eyes fluttering a few times before passing out.

Patton let out a sigh, he should've knocked him out at the start.

It's more fun watching him suffer though.


I'm sorry, the ending was so lazy. I would've went on but I have so many requests I need to write. Sorry for the long ass wait.

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