"Remember this next time you so much as think of messing up." (Moceit)

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Thank you tsuyu_asui255 for the prompt. I ended up using the end part, so it's very off prompt but I hope it's okay. This took me while to write, so it might be a little jumpy.
Tw: u!Janus, burns.

Patton was dreading leaving work.

He didn't want to leave the security and safety of his colleagues.

He would stay there forever if he could.

But he couldn't. He learned a long time ago to never try that.

The drive home was long and tense.

He had a feeling of dread in his stomach, eating away at his insides.

He wasn't looking forward to seeing Janus and his sickening smile. He just wanted to curl up in bed and never come out.

After a painfully long drive, he pulled up the driveway.

He took out his keys, running a shaky hand through his hair, attempting to pull himself together.

He shakily smiled, wiping his eyes from any tears.

He hopped out the car amd opened the door.

He heard Janus' footsteps coming closer to him.

"Hey there." He said, hugging Patton from behind, who froze up.

"Hi." He barely manged to say without stuttering.

Janus frowned.

"What's the matter with you?" He frowned, tightening his hold on his waist.

"N-nothing! Just a little tired." He said with a small laugh, trying his best to ignore the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach.

"Awh, that's too bad." He said, turing Patton around to face him.

Patton stayed tensed up, eyes drifting down from Janus, who yanked his chin up.

Tears formed in Pattons eyes, finding it hard to hold them back.

Janus wiped them with him thumb.

"Love, why are you crying?" Janus asked, disappointment in his voice.

"I don't- I'm sorry, I'm don't know." He said, trying to stop his tears from falling.

Janus frowned.

"Stop it. You're too emotional." He said, making Patton flinch.

Patton took a few deep breaths, trying to stop his small sobs.

"See? That's better. Now come and help me make dinner." He said, grabbing his hands.

Patton frantically wiped his tears, trying to think happily.

It was just cooking. He could do cooking, it was going to be ok.

Janus grabbed a pot and filled it with water, telling Patton to grab the pasta and the ingredients they needed.

Patton stayed in the kitchen to keep an eye on the food, while Janus left to do something.

He came back a while later, just as Patton was ready to strain the pasta.

His hands were shaking as he walked over to the sink, pouring some of the water before dropping the pot.

Hot water spilled all over him, making him cry out and pasta go everywhere.

Patton started crying again, trying to grab a cloth to clean up the mess he made.

It didn't do anything to stop Janus from stomping over.

"I'm sorry! It was an accident, p-please Janus!" He pleaded, word vomit spewing from his mouth.

Janus chose to ignore his pleads,  instead grabbing him by his hair, causing Patton to yelp out.

"First, you come home from work crying for no reason, then, you go and wreck our fucking dinner?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" He said as he pushed him up against the counter, bashing his head against a cabinet.

"Ow! I'm sorry, please, I didn't mean to! Janus please stop!" He yelled, sobs racking his body.

"I'm not going to fucking stop til you've learned not to fuck up!" He said, shoving him over to the stove.

"Remember this next time you so much as think of messing up."

He grabbed Patton by the back of his head, holding his arms with one hand, and pushed the side of his face onto the element.

Patton screamed out in pain, pushing against Janus as hard as he could.

He felt like his face was melting, which it probably was.

Janus kept him there as screamed and cried, coming out more as a muffled noise as he couldn't open his mouth properly.

After what felt like ages, Janus let go, letting Patton frantically stand up and stumble over to the sink.

He turned the tap on, sobbing as he ran his face under cold water.

Janus watched as Patton desperately tried to cool down his face, a cold look on Janus' face the whole time.

Patton was still sobbing, clutching the side of the sink in an attempt to stay standing.

Janus walked over to look at his face.

It looked like it had melted, his skin looking squished and an angry red.

"You need a hospital." He said off-handedly, grabbing Patton by the back of his collar.

Patton cried more, trying to get out his grasp.

"Don't touch me!" He screamed out, voice raw from screaming and crying.

Janus ignored him, stopping in the bathroom to grab some soothing gel, before slamming open the door and walking to the car.

He opened the passenger door, hoisting a crying Patton into the car and buckling the seat belt.

He hopped in the car, turning on the heaters, cold air blasting onto Patton's blistering face.

Janus turned the car on, pulling out of the driveway.

"I'm going to assume you know the drill." Janus said, not even sparing a glance at Patton.

He looked forward sadly, nodding his head with a small 'yeah'.

After a quiet drive, they finally arrived.

It wasn't necessarily the first time they had to get medical help. Janus usually just called up his doctor friend, asking him to come around.

Patton never saw him smiling. He always seemed cold, treating him then leaving as soon as he arrived.

This was the first time they'd ever needed the hospital.

Still, Patton stayed quiet while they treated him, letting Janus do most of the talking.

It'd be easier to stick it out.

He didn't want to make things worse.

Was there even a worse to reach?


Don't know how to feel about this but take it.

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