"You're going to wish you never did that." (Lavender Pain)

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This is the 'fanon' ending (let's call it that) to lavender pain, therefore this is an alternate ending, the events that occur in this chapter are not what actually happened in the story.


-DragonWitch- here you go, made your little continuation xx


"Go to your room, I'll deal with you later."

Remus' world crumbled around him as Virgil left with his boyfriend, Logan, the love of his life, the one he swore to always protect from that monster, now gone all because of one broken plate.

One minor slip up triggered another attack from this never ending nightmare, one that no matter how hard Remus would beg to wake up from, remained with open eyes.

Dread settled in his stomach, weighing him down all the way to his room, morphing into the familar feeling that would visit him whenever Logan was taken.

Like the nightmare, Remus wished it would just stop, if it would just leave him alone and let him be normal.

But nothing was normal, things were already too far gone for 'normal' to be around again. Instead, adapting to this new life was all Remus could do within these four walls.


The feeling of dread spreaded over Remus' body, seeping into his mind as every horrible scenario played through his broken mind, every horrible thing Logan could be going through in this very moment.

The banging against the wall was a pretty big giveaway, but Remus didn't want to think about it, he didn't want to hear it.

Remus had stayed sitting against his door, tears threatening to fall the more he thought about his poor boyfriend in the room next-door.

Here Remus is, wallowing in his own pathetic self pity instead of thinking about Logan, the one who is actually in pain. He shouldn't be crying, not while this is happening.

Remus wiped his eyes and nose with his sleeves, wincing when he heard a particularly loud bang.

Putting hands over his ears, Remus shut his eyes tightly, putting his head between his knees.

Why was he acting like the victim? Logan was the one who should be like this, craving Remus' comfort, after all, he always swore to protect him.

Look at what a good job Remus was doing.

Remus stayed like that for a while, relishing in the little comfort he could give himself, almost falling asleep.

A shove awoke him from his poor attempt at rest, causing Remus to scramble out of the way and to his feet.

Remus wasn't sure which was worse, Janus or Virgil walking in.

The gloved hands confirmed the worse of the two, panic seeping into his stomach.

Janus opened the door fully, eyeing Remus suspiciously as his face turned a sick shade of white.

"What did you do?" Janus slid into the room, smoothly shutting and locking the door behind him, stepping forward towards Remus, who defensively stepped back.

"Nothing." The word slipped out automatically, internally cursing when Janus took a step closer.

"Lying to me isn't pretty. Tell me what happened, otherwise I'll have to find our another way." Remus' breath hitched as he remembered what had happened the last time he'd seen Janus, a splitting headache that didn't disappear for days.

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