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on christmas morning you reveal to your son and spencer that you're pregnant again

you woke up to the feeling of featherlight kisses on your bare back, smiling immediately. today was christmas, it was your fifth christmas with spencer, and your second christmas with yours and spencer's son.

wanting to spend the day and make it fun for your son, you and spencer did the... adult activities last night.

you turned over to look at your husband, smiling and kissing him properly. he looked at you with nothing but pure love and that melted your heart.

he started laughing silently, obviously having tried to hide it but ultimately failed. you looked at him confused, "what?" you asked. his gaze fixed in your chest hidden by only the thin sheet on your bed, the comforter had fallen off from last night.

"are you a bit cold?" he questioned, trying to control
his laughter again. and that's when you saw your hardened nipples. it was freezing in here, of course you were cold.

"oh shut up. considering you're not completely naked like me, can you please get me some warm clothes?" you giggled and asked nicely

"of course" he disappeared for a few minutes, then returned with some of his pyjama pants and on of his sweaters. he handed them to you, them smelling like him.

"thank you baby" you quickly got dressed, spencer putting on more decent pyjamas. once you were both dressed, you made your way to your sons room. gently shaking him awake, telling him it was time to go see if santa claus had been. that definitely woke him up.

you and spence wanted to go huge for christmas this year, so there was loads of presents.

you and spencer decided to get each other gifts. you had gotten him some cologne , it was one he'd been wanting for a while. you also got him multiple new sweaters, different fun socks that of course he'd mix
match. and your splurge items, you went kind of crazy,for him you got red bottom shoes and a rolex with a message engraved under it that read "time is infinite, like our love for you"

you also had gotten your son gifts, from yourself and spence. but you had a gift that cost no money, a positive pregnancy test...

after your son opened his presents from santa, you handed him the ones from you and spence. he was so overjoyed you couldn't wipe the smile off your face even if you tried. of course he was still young and didn't really understand but it was still exciting. he started playing with the blocks from santa, which meant now was time for yours and spences gift exchange.

"i'll go first babe" you got up and made your way to under the tree, getting the 3 boxes and 2 bags (you'd save the pregnancy test for after he gave you your gifts)

"here baby" you handed them to him, gauging his reaction. he smiled wide when he saw the cologne and rubbed your thigh. when he saw the sweaters and socks he looked like a literal child. the last two boxes, the splurge ones.

when he opened the red bottoms, he handed you the box, "what are you doing?" you giggled. "baby take them back, this is way too expensive. please." you shoved his hand holding the box away, "bubs ive been saving up since i was teenager for things like these. i have money. really you deserve it."

he hesitantly kept them, his eyes starting to water. you were nervous for the rolex. when he opened it, he literally nearly dropped it. tears started running down his cheeks and your eyes started watering. "baby... no. i-i can't take t-this. it's too much." you cupped his cheeks, kissing his nose.

"spence i told you i have money, besides i can't take it back, look underneath it." he flipped it over, crying harder when he read the message. he pulled you in for a massive hug, kissing you everywhere.

your gifts from him were a chanel perfume, a new work bag and a trip for all of you to paris.

"mama, daddy, there's another box under da twee" your son said in the cutest way.

you got up, picking up your son on your way and got the last remaining gift.

you made your way to spence with your son, and sat down next to him. spencer instinctively put his arm around you, you sat your son on spencer's lap.

"this gift is actually for you and daddy, from me" your started opening it. spencer lifted the lid from the box, his face one of shock within seconds.

"i-is this rea-" his voice cracked last second. tears were already streaming down his and your face, meanwhile your son had a confused look.

"yeah baby, it's real. i found out a week ago." you smiled happily. suddenly spencer's face turned into a worried expression, "babe- w-we had-" he looked down at his son not wanting to say sex around him.

"its fine, it's actually good for the baby, i googled"

he laughed and kissed you. smiling before reaching his hand over the your stomach, gently rubbing it.

"what's going on?" your son questioned.
"well, honey, how would you feel about being a big brother and having a little sister or brother to help take care of?" suddenly his face turned up into one of the biggest smiles you ever seen.

i guess you got your answer!

word count - 978

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