self doubt

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yours and spencer's relationship is going extremely well... until spencer comes home one night in a slump and starts to doubt your feelings for him
i was currently in the kitchen preparing dinner when i hear the front door open and slam out of the blue. i quickly rush to see who it was (which is pretty stupid) but i had to a feeling it was spence, although he's never slammed doors before.

"spence? was that you?" i ask, poking my head through the entry way to see him taking off his shoes. i smile and walk over to him.

"hey, how wa-" i begin before he zooms past me without even saying hi or even looking at me.

"-work" i finish off before leaving him be for a while. him coming home like this has only ever happened once and that was when cat adams demanded he go on a date with her a couple years back. as far as i know, cat adams hasn't had any contact with spence or the BAU...

once dinners finished i place the dish of lasagna in the oven on keep warm before going to check on spence.

"baby? what's wrong" i ask him as i enter our room to see him seated on the edge of the bed, he looks like he's been crying.

"hey, hey, what's wrong?" i ask again, moving closer to him and put my hand on his thigh.

"w-why are you even with m-me?" he asks.

my eyes widen in shock... why is he asking that? where is this coming from?

"what?" i ask, completely stunned.

"you heard" he says however it isn't in a rude way, he's sad but i don't know why.

"why am i with you? i'm with you because i love you! i'm with you because you make me so incredibly happy. you make me feel like i'm the only girl in the world. you've shown me what real love is. you don't put yourself first, it's always me. you're always there for me even when i'm upset over completely silly things," i begin, starting to tear up a little.

"i'm with you because i love you" i finish, wiping away a tear while watching a few of spencer's tears fall down his cheeks.

i'm not sure what brought this on, but whatever happened- it's really affected him.

"that is why i love you" i tell him, using my thumb to wipe away his tears that continuously keep falling.

he opens his mouth like he's about to say something before he quickly closes it and still keeps his eyes downcast.

"do you want to tell me what brought this on?" i ask him, putting some hair behind his ear and grouping his chin softly and pulling his head up to put his gaze on me.

when i look in his eyes, i see it. pure hurt. pure doubt. i'm no profiler, but dating one has its perks and soon enough, profiling skills start to rub off on you.

"ok, if youre not ready to talk now, that's fine. but dinners ready and you can take as long as you need to come out and eat and as long as you need to tell me, okay?" i ask softly, standing up and holding his hands. he gives a small nod, confirming my words. before leaving i kiss each of his knuckles before gently putting his hands back down and leaving the bedroom to go and eat the food, hoping spence will join me soon.

after about 5 minutes of eating on my own and doubting that spencer will come out and join me, out he walks, eyes down cast. he grabs his bowl of food i prepared for him as well as a fork before sitting across from me at the table and silently starting to eat.

once i finish i take my bowl to the sink and start washing up, completely surprised when i feel spencer's hand wrap around my waist, him resting his head on my back. i stop all my actions, resting my hands over his.

after a few minutes i turn around in his arms and kiss his forehead softly before hugging him properly. it isn't long before he wraps his arms around me, squeezing me softly.

"morgan made a joke about how i could never please you the right way and that he doesn't know why you're with me" he finally tells me. he's informed me before of jokes morgans made about spencer been into 'vanilla' sex and him not knowing what he's doing. everyone on that team treats him like a kid and sometimes it gets to him, like now.

as soon as he tells me i instantly start to feel angry and want to exchange a few words with morgan, prove him wrong. but i keep myself calm for spencer's sake.

"baby... whatever he said, he's wrong. so, completely, wrong. i'm dating you because i love you. and please don't doubt that you can't 'please me' you're the best i've ever had and the best i ever will. because i am never leaving you. til death to us part" i tell him.

a while ago we both agreed that marriage was something we both wanted, but we haven't spoke much of it anymore. 'til death do us part' is something we say to each other quite often, it's like our promise that marriage and forever will happen.

he pulls back and softly smiles, kissing my forehead as i had with him earlier. that smile tells me everything i need to know. that he knows morgan is wrong, and he never needs to doubt himself again.

"til death do us part" he whispers back.
word count - 1036
this idea came to me a while after writing my other one shot called 'doubt' where y/n starts to worrying that her daughter doesn't love her as much and i thought it be interesting to do one for spencer, minus the daughter! also there definitely will be one where reader feels self conscious herself because i've been there loads and we all need to learn to love ourself a bit more! including myself lol...

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