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you find out you're pregnant after trying for months, when you tell spencer he does the unexpected!
oh. my. god...

you were beyond speechless. after trying to get pregnant for nearly 7 months, you've finally gotten a positive test. you and spence agreed to start trying for a baby a month after your wedding and after many negative pregnancy tests, you went to visit an obstetrician who told you that it takes time , especially when you're trying. she explained that you were 100% able to conceive kids and so could spencer, that there were some supplements you could take to help with the moving along if things.

and now, finally! after 7 months, a positive pregnancy test.

you took a couple more - just to make sure - and you were in fact pregnant! now you just had to think of a unique way to tell spencer (you wanted it to be special). spencer was currently at the grocery store and picking up dinner so you hid the pregnancy tests in your purse for now.

just as you're about to search up pregnancy reveals on pinterest, spencer walks in, multiple bags in hand.

"hey" you greet, closing your phone and getting up to help him with the bags.

"hey beautiful" he greets back pecking your lips as you take a bag.

you guys unpack the shopping and get ready for bed considering it was late. that night you were kept awake with thoughts of how to tell spencer. you thought you'd never fall asleep without getting the perfect idea until it finally hit you.

the next day at the BAU -
"hey baby are you coming for lunch?" spencer asks as he rubs your shoulders.

you finished all your reports but you need to get your plan in motion to reveal your pregnancy so you need him to leave.

"no, i have a bunch of reports to finish, you go. just bring me some fries back?" you ask sweetly, having craved fries all day.

"yeah sure. i love you" he says kissing your cheek.

"i love you too" you tell him.

once him and the other team members have left you quickly rush up to hotchs office and knock on his door, entering when you hear a stern 'come in'

"ah, y/n, is everything okay?" he asks, placing his own down.

"yeah, yeah everything's fine. everything's great, actually" i tell him, him giving me a confused look in return.

"i'm pregnant. and spencer and i have been trying for a while so i was wondering if you could help me with something?" i ask.

he gives a wide smile, "congratulations. you and reid are going to be great parents. sure, what was it you needed?" he asks.

"i was wondering if when everyone gets back, you can call us to the roundtable room for a "case" and then in a file that only gets given to spencer it'll say something like "dad to be" or something..." i trail off, my idea not sounding as good now as it did last night.

"yeah! of course" he says, giving me another smile.

you quickly rush back to your desk, taking out a blank piece of paper and writing, "dad to be" on it and sticking it inside an empty manila folder.

you give the folder to hotch considering he'll be the one who gives it to spence.

after a while the team comes back, spencer giving you your fries. you munch on those while waiting for hotch to come out with 'a case'

"everyone, we've got a case" he comes out holding the folder in hand, making his way to the roundtable room.

everyone gets up and follows him, spencer catching your hand in his.

what you're suddenly feeling nervous, what if he decides he doesn't want kids anymore? what if he doesn't want kids with me?

you push those thoughts aside and take a seat at the roundtable.

"only one folder? is it empty?" derek asks, eying the folder in hotchs hand.

hotch says nothing, instead hands the folder to spencer who raises his eyebrow.

he opens the folder, rereading the three words about 9 times before he looks up at you, teary eyed.

"i-is this re-real?" he asks, standing up from the chair. you copy his actions, standing up as well before nodding.

he speed walks the short distance to you, throwing the file on the table before picking you up and spinning you around. he places you on the floor, kissing you softly before he shouts, "i'm gonna be a dad!"

he runs over to morgan, "i'm going to be a dad!" he jumps up and down, before he jumps up on the roundtable and does some sort of dance moves.

you've never seen spencer act like this, but boy is he cute.

a bunch of cheers and congratulations are passed around as everyone hugs you guys. spencer comes over and kneels in front of you before kissing your stomach.

"i can't wait to start a family with you" he tells me, kissing my lips again.

me too spence, me too.
word count - 887
this one is a bit shorter than most of my other ones but i thought the gifs was adorable and i had to write a story on it!

also, early update!

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