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you're sent undercover to help bring down a big shot criminal - what you don't expect is become the main attraction for sex traffickers
"morgan i'm been serious!" i yell out as he chases me around the BAU parking lot after driving us to work.

"who gave you those hickeys?" he yells out as he chases me.

morgan is like a brother to me and is always overprotective, hence why i haven't told him me and spencer are dating.

i mean yeah morgan and spencer are basically brothers but i don't want it be awkward if it was just the three of us.

"i'm not telling" i say as i quickly run into the closing elevator and watch as the door closes in his face before sticking my tongue out at him.

i quickly put my things down and go to the break room seeing spencer.

"hey baby" he says as he comes up to me to which i quickly move away.

"morgan's coming, he saw the hickeys" i quickly say as i pour coffee in my mug.

he nods before quickly speaking about something random, "so basically you subtract that from the starting number and boom, there's your result" he says just as morgan comes in.

"pretty boy, you know y/l/n's seeing someone?" morgan asks as spencer looks over at me as if to make it seem like he's inspecting me.

"how do you know i didn't burn myself curling my hair this morning?" i ask him

"your hairs straight today" spencer says. fucking smart arse.

i shoot him a glare before morgan laughs and walks away.

"mother fucker" i whisper as i whack him
in the shoulder before leaving the break room.

just as i'm about to sit down and do some work on my computer, hotch comes out.

"y/l/n, can i see you?" he asks and after seeing me nod, he walks back in his office.

"ooh, y/n's in trouble" emily and jj sing in unison as i make my way up the stairs, quickly flipping them off.

"hey hotch, is everything okay?" i ask as i take a seat.

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