this changes nothing

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you get a confirmation that you cannot carry kids, you don't know how to break the news to him considering he's always wanted kids of his own and he's so good with them.
"a-are you sure?" you ask, your voice cracking slightly.

"mrs reid i understand this is hard to process, but this is the third test we've done and the tests don't lie. you're unable to carry kids. i truly am sorry. if you want to come in and talk about surro-" you quickly hang up the phone and slam it on the restroom sink.

here you are, crying like a maniac in the bau bathrooms. how were you meant to tell spence? he's always wanted kids and now you can't even carry any?

a million thoughts were running through your head, ranging from spencer leaving you to how you tell him... or if you even tell him.

you've both always wanted kids, you've talked about it late at night, you even talked about what you'd name your kids. but now, all that's gone down the drain.

you're so lost in your thoughts that you don't hear the bathroom door open or even see emily walk in.

"y/n? hey what's wrong?" she quickly asks before pulling you into a hug, attempting to comfort you.

"i-i-" you can't even get words out.

"alright, just breathe okay?" she helps you steady yourself against the sinks, holding your shoulders to keep you upright.

"when you're ready, tell me okay? do you want me to go get spence? you can te-" she begins, already making her way to the door.

"no" you quickly rush out, not wanting spencer to see you like this.

"ok. no spencer" she says, coming back over to you.

you both just stand there for a while while you get yourself together before speaking.

"i got a confirmation- a third o-one actually" you begin.

"a confirmation?" she asks confused.

"i-i can't have k-kids" you tell her, tears falling again.

her eyes go wide before she opens her mouth to speak before quickly closing it. she pulls you into a hug, whispering comforting things in your ear.

spencer reid imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now