it's time

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you're going to give birth any minute now and you're worried spencer won't make it to see his son be born
"i swear you two better be cute and good babies
because you're making it really hard to get dressed" i whisper to myself as i pull my sundress down over my huge belly.

9 months and 2 weeks pregnant i am. i was due a week ago but the doctors haven't made an rush to induce me as it's normal to be over due, especially with twins.

i look out the window to see a large dark cloud, signalling its going to rain.

"are you kidding!" i exclaim out loud.

spencer rushes up the stairs, instantly coming to my side.

"what's wrong?" he asks as he stands in front of me, a hand over my belly.

"i spent-" i look over to the clock to see its now 10:46 am, "i started getting dressed at 10:19! it was sunny then and now it's bloody- ahhh" i whimper out as a sharp pain in my stomach cuts me off, slouching over as the pain becomes unbearable.

"baby? what's happening?" spencer immediately asks as he his face becomes one of horror and worry.

"i-i think it's ti- oh my god!" i yell out as yet another sharp pain takes over. just when i think it can't get any worse, i feel a liquid dripping down my legs.

oh fuck...

"yep! definitely time!" i exclaim, watching as he rushes to our closet and gets my overnight bag as well as the one we packed for the babies. he throws those both over his shoulder before rushing over to the bed and grabbing my slippers, helping me in them. he then helps to lead me out the front door, grabbing my purse on the way. he helps to buckle me in before rushing around to the drivers side and stepping on the gas to the nearest hospital. his hand rest on mine the whole ride as he allows me to squeeze is hand whenever the pain becomes too much.

we arrive at the hospital and spencer instantly helps me inside, leaving the bags to come and get later. he calls for a nurse who helps me into a private room and a few other nurses come with different machines.

"alright, mrs reid, it looks like those babies of yours are ready to come out" says a older female nurse as she fills in some paper on a clip board.

"oh really? you don- i'm so sorry" i quickly cut off my sarcastic comment and keep my mouth closed, squeezing spencer's hand.

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