something to hold

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while about to fall asleep, y/n discovers spencer likes something to hold at night time

you and spencer were lying in bed, him playing with your hair while you watched the rest of the doctor who episode. it was a bit late, a little after midnight.

just as episode finished, spencer kissed you lovingly, before turning the tv off. you rolled over taking the role of the little spoon, while spencer of course took the role of the big spoon. his hand traveled from your waist to under your thin tank top you were wearing, his hand resting on your breast.

"what are you doing?" you giggled, feeling him kiss your neck.
"i like to hold something while i sleep, your boob just happens to be the perfect candidate" he says calmly.
you giggle, turning your head to give him a quick peck.

"goodnight spence" you say running your fingers along his forearm.
he kisses you on top of your head, "goodnight baby. i love you beautiful" he replies
"i love you too bubs" and with that, you drift off to sleep.
word count - 187

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