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after returning home from a case you notice a few odd things in your apartment but take no notice of it, stupid mistake. an unsub from the past comes back to haunt you and the team races against the clock to find their youngest member.
"everyone, go home. paperwork can wait. i'll see you all here at 9 tomorrow morning" hotch says as he himself leaves and goes home.

"bye guys" i say as i quickly head out to my car and make my way home.

as i enter my apartment i instantly get a chill or more so a gut feeling that something isn't right. but stupidly i push it in the back of my mind and place all my things down as i go into my bedroom.

as i walk in my room i see my bedroom window is open.

"bj?!" i call out and listen for the padding of dog feet that doesn't occur.

"BJ!" i yell out louder as i stand in the middle of my apartment where i have a view of basically every room. i see him come out of my study, dripping wet.

"what the hell..." i whisper as i grab my phone and dial my best friend who watches my dog while i'm away.

"hey! are you back from your case?" she greets as she answers.

"yeah, yeah i am. uhm, BJ is dripping wet and my windows open, did you open it?" i ask as i close my window.

"yeah i did, i'm sorry it was sunny when i opened it. if there's any water damage i can pay, i'm so sorry" she apologises.

"no! it's fine. i just wanted to know if you opened it. thanks uh, i'll talk to you later?" i ask.

"yeah for sure! get some rest" she says before hanging up.

just as i'm about to get clothes ready for a shower i hear a glass smashing and i know it isn't BJ because he's literally sitting at my feet.

"fuck" i whisper as i realise my gun is in the kitchen.

i quickly run to my bedside table and get my pocket knife, slowly starting to make my way to investigate.

just as i'm about to walk into my kitchen i'm knocked out from behind and fall onto my back, getting a clear view of who the attacker is.

"what are you doing here?" i ask, but without an answer as they pull a gas mask over their face and release some sort of toxin, knocking me out.

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