coffee date

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you and spencer go on a cute coffee date!
"spencer" you whisper in his ear, waiting for him
to wake up.

he grumbles something before attempting to hit you with his hand which you quickly stop from happening.

"come on get up" you say in a sing song voice.

"no" he simply says before burying his head in his pillow.

"oh no you don't. come on up! it's your first day off in a while, i have plans!" you tell him, getting out of bed and yanking the blankets off him.

he once again grumbles before surprising you and chasing after you.

you quickly run out the bedroom and into the kitchen, hiding in the pantry, thinking he didn't see you.

before you know it he's yanking the pantry door open and throwing you over his shoulder carefully before walking over to the couch and throwing you down on it.

"what the hell! you were sleeping like 2 minutes ago!" you tell him, shocked at how he managed to get the energy so quick to chase you.

"i was already awake. i could just feel you staring at me so i thought i'd have some fun with you" he tells you, kissing your forehead softly.

"of course you did" you tell him, sitting up and pulling him back to your bedroom.

"come on get dressed. we're going out" you say going over to your closet.

without knowing that spencer is watching you, you begin to take off your clothes and put on clean undergarments before pulling on a black fitted skirt, pairing that was a flannel coat, buttoning it up fully.

when you turn around, spencer is still seated on the bed, gazing at you lovingly.

"come on mister, get ready" you tell him, walking over and bopping his nose.

you let him get ready while you pack your bag and put on some mascara before clipping your hair up in a half up half down with a small claw clip.

"you look... so fucking beautiful" he tells you, settling his arms on your waist.

"and you, kind sir look dashing" you joke around.

but seriously he looks so adorable. he's wearing some black jeans that are tight in all the right areas. he's paired that with this cool alien button up polo shirt with a purple crew neck on top. and of course, converse are on his feet.

"so what are the plans for today?" he asks as you guys leave the apartment complex.

he starts to head over to the car before you quickly grab his hand and lead him over to the footpath.

"we're walking. and i'm not telling you, you'll just have to find out some way..." you tease.

your plans for today are to spend the afternoon at this cute little cafe before taking some pictures on your disposable camera and getting them developed.

you guys end up at the cafe pretty quickly.

"woah! this place is nice" he tells you as you guys enter. he looks around at the little cafe, seeing the outdoor seating area and the little indoor booths. it's very 'retro' considering it was built in the late 1970's and the new owners thankfully didn't remodel it!

"i know right! i found it a couple weeks ago while i was out and i planned to come here with you on one of your days off" i tell him.

we take a seat at a little table area with a nice view outside the window. a waitress comes over and takes our order. i order an iced coffee with vanilla syrup and of course spencer orders normal coffee plus extra sugar packets, of course!

we sit and converse for a while about his work and mine before our drinks are brought out to us.

our conversation continues as we drink our drinks before spencer starts to say some cool facts about coffee.

the thing about spencer and his facts are that he says them all the time, but everyone cuts him off - except for you. you actually enjoy listening to them because you love to repeat them to your students you teach. you also like to repeat them to spencer, before telling him you only know that because of him, just so he knows you really do listen.

"you know coffee is a language in itself?" he tells me. he says it as a question for if i knew that but he also says it in such a factual tone that i can't really tell if he meant it as a question or a statement.

"really?" i ask, knowing full well that he's going to start rambling. not that i mind, that's my favourite thing about him.

after our little coffee date, we take a walk in the park and take some silly and cute photos of us on the disposable camera. after the camera runs out of film, we make our way to the local photography store where we can get the film developed.

once home and all showered, me and spencer sit on the bed with our scrapbook laid out in front of us.

this scrapbook holds a lot of meaning. it's our love story scrapbook.

we started it about 9 months ago and every time we go out or take photos, we always get them printed to put in the scrapbook.

it's our little book that we wrote the story for, but it isn't out for public reading yet...
word count - 976

wow guys, i finally updated! i'm so incredibly sorry for the lack of ones as shots, i promise i'm back in the game now!!!

i hope you all had a great valentine's day and that you guys spent it in a way that you enjoyed, even if you are single like me, lol :(

but honestly how cute is the scrapbook idea?

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