i love you

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spencer made a stupid mistake on a case, causing him and y/n to argue. happy ending!

spencer knew you were mad at him. he could tell by how quickly you were driving and how hard you were gripping the steering wheel.

spencer had gone and done something really stupid, he went in unarmed and without a vest on to try and talk down an unsub.

as soon as you guys got inside your apartment, you started yelling and letting the tears fall.

"are you fucking stupid spencer?" you asked as if it was the simplest question in the world.
"what? is that a joke? you know i have an IQ of 18-" he began before you cut him off.
"yeah, yeah i know you're certifiably a genius with an eidetic memory, an IQ of 187 and can read 20,000 words per minute but for someone who is supposed to be a genius you sure are fucking stupid! you went in there with NO vest, NO gun just to what? talk down an unsub!? someone going through a psychotic break! YOU COULD HAVE DIED!" tears were now falling at rapid speed down your face, ruining your makeup. but you didn't care.

"y/n we didn't have to kill him, if there was any chance of been able to apprehend him without killing him then i took that chance!" he tried to argue back.

you laughed with no humour, "don't. don't even try to fucking reason with me. he didn't have any civilians,
it was just him, we knew he wasn't going to kill himself so why the fuck would you go in there!?" you stopped to take a breather, "for all you know, you might not have come out of there. you've made me the happiest i've been in ages! i stopped cutting with your help! i got clean with your help and i haven't even got to say that i lo-" you stopped yourself. neither one of you had said "i love you" yet and you didn't even know if he felt the same way. sure everyone on the team and even your sister who he'd met told you he definitely loved you, but you didn't feel like he did.

"stop that." he said sternly.
you looked up at him confused, he took a couple steps forward, his lips only a few cm away from yours. he kissed you like he had every morning, but this time it was more... loving?
"i love you. and i know you were just going through your head trying to decide if i love you as well or not. but stop baby. i do love you. so fucking much, you don't understand. and i know, i know it was stupid and i'm so sorry. but i promise to make it up to you everyday for the rest of my life if it means i get to wake up next to you every morning and tell you i love you."

your tears had stopped falling, but that didn't stop them from building up in your eyes.

"i love you too" you told him, kissing him again.
he pulled back from a second, "move in with me"
your eyes widened in shock, did you hear that right?

"what?" you asked
"move in with me beautiful. i want to spend everyday with you, i want you to be the last thing i see every night and the first thing i see every morning. i want to make us breakfast in bed, i want to see your girly products in the bathroom and- and smell your perfume in my bedroom. and share a dresser with you" he chuckled, crying also.

"ok" you said chuckling, smiling so wide it hurt.

word count - 637

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