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you've been having... dreams about spencer and one day he overhears you while you're telling penelope...

"are you gonna cum pretty girl?" he asks as he continues to thrust into you at the ruthless pace he set, brining you closer to the edge.

you are in no state to form words, all you can do it nod vigorously.

soon enough your eyes are rolling into the back of your head and your moans are taking over, your orgasm hitting you like a truck.

you involuntarily clench around spencer, his moans could easily bring you to another orgasm.

"o-oh im gonna c-cu-"

you abruptly sit up, sweat dripping down your head, your breathing heavy.

you can not believe that just happened- worst part is that it isn't even the first time.

you let out a ridiculously long groan as you bury your face in your pillow, absolutely ashamed that you're dreams about spencer keep happening.

it isn't exactly a secret that you like him, working with profilers kind of gives that away. the only person who you've told is penelope and surprisingly she's kept it to herself. she doesn't know about these dreams but this is the 4th one and now feels like a pretty good time to tell her.

it's 6;57 which means your alarm will be going off in 3 minutes so you reach over and turn it off, grabbing your phone and checking social media before getting up and getting ready.

garcia gets to work at about 7:40 because turning on her screens and setting up takes a while, so you'll just leave a little earlier to give yourself some time to have that chat with her.

you throw on some navy blue slacks paired with a black tank top covered up with a dark cardigan.

you quickly pack your go bag- completely ignoring any make up today and rushing out the door.

you arrive at the bau at 7:49, quickly getting through security and impatiently waiting for the elevator. you rush into her office, seeing her jump a little at the sudden noise.

"gahhh! don't do that!" she exclaims as she places a hand over her chest, giving you a deadly stare.

"sorry! i have a crisis!" you exclaim back at her, plopping yourself down into a seat across from her.

spencer reid imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now