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y/n and spencer celebrate their 2nd year anniversary together. you got matching outfits to wear to the office today and exchange gifts later on with a special surprise.

this morning you woke up, way earlier than required. you got up, kissing spencer softly as not to disturb his sleep. you started making breakfast for you both, pancakes, sausages, bacon and eggs. you also cut up so various fruits.

today was yours and spencer's 2nd anniversary together, you wanted it to be special. you put everything on plates and carried them to the bedroom, placing a plate on spencer's bedside table and the other on yours. you then went back to the kitchen making your coffees. of course you put a bunch of sugar in spencer's

once you'd put the coffee next to his plate of breakfast, you gently shook him awake.

"baby, get up" you said softly, kissing his head.
"what time is it?" he asked groggily in that damn morning voice that will definitely be the death of you.
"it's 7. i made us breakfast. happy anniversary baby" you kissed him again, he sat up smiling widely and pulling you into his lap.

"you know you look good in my shirt" he complemented you.
"yeah, you what you would look good doing?" you asked, "what's that?" he asked flirtatiously
"eating the delicious breakfast i made for us" you said, getting off his lap. "you tease" he replied.

after eating the breakfast, you guys still had an hour left before you had to leave, and of course, spencer suggested showering together which you couldn't say no too.

after spencer wrapped a towel around his waist, he went to go get his clothes before you stopped him
after wrapping a towel around yourself.
"wait!" you shouted. he stopped, looking at you confused.
"i- uhm. i got us something. i'll go get it. wait here" you made your way to your shared closet, and retrieved the shopping bag holding today's outfits.

"what's that?" he asked
you opened the bag, and pulled out a pair of new black dress pants for spencer, then got the new pair of black slacks for yourself out of the bag also. he took them, still confused. you reached back into the bag and brought out 2 white button ups, one for you and one for him, you passed him his. the final items you pulled out were matching black sweater vests with some type of pattern on it. you again, handed him his.

"you want us to match?" he asked
your face instantly fell, you had a feeling it was a bad idea. stupid, stupid, stupid! "no, you know, never mind. it's lame. you can wear that if you want i'm gonna get and get other clothes- uhm.. i'll be ba-" he cut you off by kissing you. "stop that. i love the idea. i also got us something matching. except it won't be seen by others" he said cheekily, walking away.

he returned a few minutes later, handing you a new set of lingerie. purple of course. the bra was a sheer lace with floral patterns on it. the panties however, gosh they were cute. it was also purple lace with the floral pattern. you'd started wondering how you'd lived your life so far without this set in your life.

"spencer what the fuck! where did you find this?! it's so cute omg!" you basically shouted, startling spencer a bit.
"it was a pop up boutique. i didn't think you'd like them to be honest" he said shyly.
"baby i love them. is the boutique still there? i wanna see if they have other colours" you said happily.

you both got dressed, you in your purple lingerie set, with your black slacks, white button up and black
patterned sweater vest on top. to complete your look, you put on the necklace spencer had gotten you for your 1 year which you've worn everyday. you also put in your earrings, opting for rose gold jewellery. you added your watch and then sprayed yourself with your ariana grande perfume. for your hair you simply put it in a lose half up, half down style. you put in your black heeled boots and waited for spence.

spencer put on his matching purple boxers, his dress pants, the white button up with a black tie as well as the sweater vest you'd gotten him. to complete his look he added a black blazer, his old watch and his red bottoms. he sprayed his cologne and grabbed his satchel and you both left.

"OMG! OH MY GOSH! LOOK AT YOU TWO!! YOU GUYS ARE MATCHING. STOP RIGHT THERE. PHOTO TIME!" garcia squeezed upon seeing you both enter the bullpen.

you could've sworn she took at least 100 photos.

after work, you went out for dinner, of course in your matching outfits. when you guys got home it was gift time.

"uhm, so i'll start. before i give you this, don't even try to make me take it back. you deserve it" you handed him his gift, butterflies filling your stomach.

"y/n- no baby. t-this is a rolex. it's too expensive." he tried to protest but you just laughed.
"i have savings. besides your watch is ruined, no offence. and i saw you looking at this not that long ago" you smiled widely at him.

"this kind of puts my gift to shame"
he got down on one knee in front of you, and reached into his back pocket revealing a small, black velvet box. when he opened it, you saw the most beautiful engagement ring in history.

"y/n  y/l/n... from the very first day you walked into the bullpen, i knew you were my soulmate. i really suck at speeches but i'm amazing at facts and statistics and this is all true so i don't know why i'm so nervous" he laughed. you both had tears falling at full force at this point, "you have made me the happiest i have ever been in my life. i know you're the one i want to be the mother of my kids, you're the one i want to be my wife. will you marry me beautiful?"

"YES! a thousand times, fucking yes" he slipped the ring in your finger, pulling you into the worlds tightest hug, giving you the most passionate kiss.

you jumped up into his arms, as he made his way to your bedroom.

(this is the wedding ring i imagined while writing this. i've looked on pinterest before so i get ideas while writing these.)

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