emily's sister - part 2

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emily's sister is getting threats and fears for her safety, she reaches out to her sister and her team for help. the team attends a ball, apprehending the unsub and some sad truths come out. spencer and y/n spend the night.

everyone put in their ear pieces before going separately in their own cars with their 'significant other'; emily and luke, jj and spencer, tara and matt and lastly dave on his own. you however decided to call a taxi.

somehow you arrived first. before getting out of the taxi, emily called you and said if you saw anyone you recognised to let them know discreetly.

you figured the best place to get an overview of everyone was at the bar, so you made your way over. after ordering white wine you saw jj and spencer entering. you couldn't help but think how handsome he looked in that suit. you were just hoping that you looked as good as everyone made you out to.

a caterer brought around little desserts and you couldn't resist.

throughout the night you caught spencer glancing over at you but you ignored it, needing to pretend you didn't know him.

that was when you spotted him, Nick LoCas. you went undercover in order to stop his brothers (Seth LoCas) drug and human trafficking business in New York about 3 years ago. in order to gain their trust, you became romantically involved with Nick before becoming apart of the operation, feeding undercover ops information. Seth found out your true identity and planned to rape you then kill you however SWAT busted in before he could rape you and of course, as predicted, Seth committed suicide by cop, or well, SWAT.

your best guess for why he was here now? he probably thought you killed him, but in fact you hadn't even a gun on you when he was killed.

you needed to let the team know but you didn't have a moment alone and talking to yourself in the middle of a room filled of people would not go unnoticed. so you made your way over to matt, he seemed to be the one who was close. you bumped into him, acting as if you didn't see where you were going.

"OH! oh my god- i'm so sorry. i'm such a clumsy person," you said aloud before whispering "over by the stage, blue suit, tattoo on neck." 

"no problem. are you sure you're alright?" he questioned. to anyone else would've seemed like he was asking if you were okay, but you knew he really meant are you sure it's him.

"yeah, yeah. again i'm so sorry. have a good evening." you replied. you had a feeling if you were to go somewhere alone he would follow and try to attack you. slowly making your way to the backroom, you saw your soon to be team getting ready to follow after Nick also started following directly after you.

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