the m.e

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the BAU team is called in to help with murders around DC, while spencer makes multiple trips to the m.e office, he finds himself wanting to go there more to see her
your pov:

another boring day at work, yay! you thought sarcastically to yourself as you entered the freezing cold m.e office.

to your utter surprise you were shocked to see 3 other examiners around a few dead bodies.

what the hell...

"y/l/n, you're late" says your boss sternly as you quickly put on your lab coat and place gloves on, coming over to see what was going on.

"yeah yeah, traffic was a nightmare. what's going on?" you ask her as you examine the body after the other 2 examiners leave to their own offices.

"this is one of 3 murdered women. looks like there's a serial killer going around near quantico. agents from the behavioural analysis unit are coming by later, they need full reports and every single detail including if these cuts were hesitation ones or not, get to work" and just like that, your boss has left you to examine dead women.

you'd be lying if you said you weren't excited but also terrified. this is your first time working on a murder victim, not someone who's died from natural causes. but it's also terrifying how similar these women all look - white females, all blond, hazel eyes and they're all petite and quite fit.

you get to work right away, typing up the full tox screen, stomach contents, and writing out the cause of death in reports before printing out the files and placing them aside for when the agents arrive.

you get out your recorder and start to give the voiced reports.

"3 white females, ages 24, 27 and 29. all blond longed haired. between the heights of 5'3 to 5'6. cause of death slash to the throat, gunshot wound on the heart to throw off the initial cause of death. all raped after death" with that you quickly conclude the mandatory voiced reports (incase anything were to happen to the files) and you wait in the room for the agents who are taking quite a while.

sure they're FBI agents and they're probably busy; but seriously? why give an assigned time if you're not going to be-

'holy mother of god' you cut off your own thoughts after seeing 2 agents walk in, one an older man and one a younger man who immediately caught your attention.

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