the truth

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y/n hotchner got a boyfriend but didn't tell her dad, when her dad unexpectedly comes to her apartment and spencer answers the door, she has no choice but to tell him.

"stop! that tickles" you exclaimed as your boyfriend, spencer started tickling you.

you figure the only way you're going to get him to stop is if you kiss him, which quickly stops his tickle attack on you.

"have you told your dad about us yet?" he mumbled against your lips, running his hands up and down your sides.

"not yet. i don't know when a good time to tell him is" you say, leaning your head on his shoulder.

you and spencer met at one of rossi's dinner parties, instantly clicking. spencer asked you on a few dates before asking you to be his girlfriend. that was 8 months ago. since then you guys have moved in together and you haven't told your dad yet. surely he won't mind, right? he talks so highly of spencer all the time, what's the problem?

"i need to go shower and the go to the office, i have a client at 12" you tell him, manoeuvring to get off his lap and out of the bed.

"nice ass baby!" spencer hypes you up, earning a giggle from you.

you make your way to the shower, turning the water on and beginning your shower routine.

spencer's pov:

after y/n left to go for a shower, i got up out of bed and put some sweatpants on, leaving them to hang low on my hips as i made my way to my desk to finish some paperwork i'd brought home.

after a few minutes of writing there was a knock at the door. getting up and without thinking to check the peephole, i opened the door to come face to face with aaron hotchner.

my boss, my girlfriends dad...

he stares at me for a while, looking me up and down before speaking.

"spencer?" he asks, confusion evident in his voice.

"what are you doing in my daughters apartment?... without a shirt on?" he asks, slightly nudging me out of the way to come inside.

"uh- y-y/n is in the uh- the shower" now this was awkward. he didn't know we were dating and i didn't know how to tell him.

just then she walks out wrapped in a fluffy black towel.

"hey babe who was at the do- dad!" she exclaims, suddenly feeling very exposed in just her towel.

"uh- i'll be back" she said, rushing back into their shared room and getting dressed.

your pov:

"what the fuck" you whisper to yourself as soon as you've closed the door.

looks like i have to tell my dad about me and spencer now

because you have work in roughly an hour, meaning you'd have to leave in half an hour, you throw on some slacks and a tight vneck burgundy shirt tucked into the slacks. you put on some black socks and head back into the living room to face the truth.

"care to explain whats going on?" your dad asks, glancing between you and spencer.

"uh-" spencer starts, looking at you for help.

"i guess i might as well start from the beginning" you start, sitting down next to spencer, your dad standing in front of the sofa.

"after me and spencer met at rossi's dinner party 10 months ago, we exchanged numbers and started hanging out whenever spencer didn't have a case. we went on a few dates before he asked me to be his girlfriend. we moved in together uh- about a month and a half ago" you tell him, instantly regretting having not told him earlier. this is a big part of your life, you've found the love of your life and you kept it from your father.

"i see" he says, leaning forward a bit.

"i'm sorry we didn't tell you earlier, it's just- we didn't want pressure on us or people making smart remarks and-" you're quickly cut off by your dads laughter, you and spencer look at each other with confused looks.

"what the-" he mouths to you before aaron starts to speak again.

"i already knew you guys were dating" he states as if it's the most simplest thing in the world.

"what?!" you both ask, you ask in a questioning manner, spencer states his out of shock.

"i planned on coming to visits y/n's new apartment a couple days after she moved in, when i was about to get out of the car i saw spencer rushing out of the building and i noticed his tie a mess and the buttons undone. so i had a rough idea. and i also noticed spencer coming into work with hickeys on him some days. eventually i put 2 and 2 together and... yeah" your fathers tells you both.

this man just played you.

"oh my gosh" you whisper, joining in lightly on his laughter.

"but the main reason i came here was because we have a case. it's local and everyone is meeting at the BAU in about 1 hour, i thought i'd deliver the message about a new case personally... and also see if i was right about my theory" he says, smiling.

"alright, well i better go get ready then" spencer says, standing up and making his way to his bedroom.

"also spencer, don't let morgan keep calling you bean pole if you're nearly as toned as him" your dad jokes, making spencer blush.

a couple minutes later spencer comes out in black dress pants, a blue polka dot shirt with a black tie and a dark blue sweater vest on top, blazer on hand making his way to put his shoes on and collect his satchel and paperwork.

he comes over and kisses you quickly before speaking.

"i'll be home tonight, it might be late but i'll be home.
i love you. don't forget to stop at the grocery store" he quickly reminds you, leading the way to the door, your dad following suit.

"i love you too" you tell him, hugging your dad goodbye.

"i'll see you guys later" you say to them both, going to your room to finish getting ready and leave for work.
word count - 1064
this will have a part 2 so stay tuned for that!

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