the media liaison

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after jj goes on maternity leave a new media liaison comes to help out the team, and a certain doctor takes a special liking to agent y/n!

the last thing i was expecting to happen was to receive a call from the BAU offering me a job as media liaison. apparently the previous one had just given birth and the BAU needed a media liaison pronto.

of course i took it!
don't get me wrong, i enjoy working for sex crimes in LA, but working for the BAU has always been a dream. i wasn't informed how long i would be there for so i packed up some of my stuff and stayed with a friend of mine who moved to DC two years ago.

today was the big day and i was ecstatic! i woke up earlier than needed and showered, washing my hair, exfoliating and shaving. i stood in front of the guest bedroom closet for at least 15 minutes debating outfits in my head. eventually i picked out a plain black skirt that ended a little below mid thigh and i paired that with a burgundy button up tucked into the skirt. i ate breakfast rather quickly, grabbing my black pumps, purse and go bag and headed out.

as soon as i entered the building i had to go through security and get my gun as well as my badge and credentials. i made my way to the elevator pressing floor six, quickly putting my hand between the doors after hearing someone yell out to hold the elevator.

in walked a gorgeous blond women wearing a bright pink dress with chunky high heels and multiple jewellery and hair pieces.

"uh what floor?" i ask her, hovering my hand above the buttons.

"oh! floor si- oh we're going to the same floo- OH MY GOD! are you the new media liaison?!" she practically shouts, looking at me with wide eyes.

"yes, i'm agent y/l/n! but you can just call me y/n" i hold my hand out to shake, getting caught off guard when she instead wraps me up in a hug.

"OH MY GOD! it's so good to meet you! i'm penelope garcia, the technical analyst for the BAU!" she tells me.


"right! penelope garica, i remember hotch mentioning you. he told me we'd be doing a lot of working together. it's so good to meet you" i tell her, just then the elevator dings alerting us that we're on the sixth floor.

we both get out, her pointing up some stairs and to a office, aaron hotchner.

"thank you!" i tell her, walking to his office to introduce myself.

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