52 pick up

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you have to go undercover and spencer isn't happy
"i'm just saying i don't think it's safe" spencer tells me as i put the dress on.

"spence i'll be fine, emily will be there with me. you're worrying over nothing, seriously" i try to tell him.

long story short, hotch asked me and emily to go undercover at a bar to try and sus out our unsub and of course, spencer is hesitant with it. i can see where he's coming from, but he really is worrying for no reason.

"am i not allowed to be worried about you? you're my fiancé and i'm obviously not okay with just sending you out!" he exclaims at me as he stands up and storms off.

i sigh feeling bad, he was just trying to look out for me.

putting that aside i quickly finish getting ready, meeting emily out front of the bathrooms.

we get the approval from hotch and leave. i don't have a chance to speak to spence as he's busy with morgan.

"so are you going to tell me why lover boy didn't kiss you goodbye?" emily asks as she drives you both to the bar where it's supposed the 'great viper' will be tonight.

"huh? o-oh. he's mad at me" you tell her as you gaze out the window, admiring the late night lights that are on.

"what'd you do?" she asks.

you sigh out a long sigh, "he's worried about me going undercover tonight" you tell her.

she laughs after hearing the reason he's mad at you, "he's going to be there, he'll be able to watch you" she tells you.

"i-i think since he proposed he's just-" you slap your hand over your mouth, realising what you've just done.

spencer proposed a month ago and you both agreed not to tell the team until you were both ready.

"WHAT?" she exclaims, trying to keep her excitement at bay as she's literally driving.

"don't kill us!" you exclaim at her, waving your hands around.

"when did he propose? and why didn't i know?" she asks, turning onto the street the bars on.

"he proposed a month ago and we didn't want to tell anyone until we were ready. you're the only one who know and id appreciate it if you kept it that way, at least for now" you plead as you unbuckle your seatbelt  and step out of the car.

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