i could never live without you

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you're shot on a case and spencer worries about you
"reid and morgan take the back and y/l/n check the barn" hotch orders out as we all stand in front of the unsubs house.

"are you sure y/n should go on her own?" spencer asks as he holds my hand.

"i'll be fine babe" i quickly tell him before standing on my tippy toes to kiss him.

i then make my way out to the back and head over to the barn.

walking up to the barn doors i pull them open and head inside, turning on my flashlight and shining it everywhere as my gun is pointed in front of me.

i start to walk forward, checking every side to make sure no one is there. it all seems clear until i hear rustling not too far ahead, "james turner this is the FBI!" i yell out, there's a chance it isn't james and that it's a victim, but either way i'm letting them know it's the FBI.

just as i finish yelling out i see a shadow of what appears to be a person a couple feet ahead of me.

"i might have something in the barn" i say into the comms before walking forward when suddenly i'm kicked in the back and pushed down.

my gun and torch go flying out of reach and i struggle to get up with the weight of a foot on my back. i quickly roll out from under the foot and kick it, successfully knocking the person down.

as i try to get up and run for my gun something is thrown around my neck and is been pulled, choking me.

i struggle for air as i try to pull whatever is around my throat away. the unsub then let's go and kicks me again, pushing me down on the ground as i cough and gasp for air.

he then walks over to my gun and picks it up, turning my body over so i'm laying on my back, before he aims the gun at my neck and shoots.

spencer's pov:

"you're lucky hotch didn't bite your head off about questioning his motives" morgan tells me as we enter through the back door of the house. he's clearly referring to when i asked if y/n should be on her own, which i had every right to do.

"she's small morgan and she can easily be overpowered by someone, sending her in her own is stupid" i tell him.

before he can reply we hear y/n on our comms saying she might have something in the barn.

spencer reid imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now