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while at work, spencer's wife and kids come to surprise him at work!

"jason! ally! come on let's go see daddy at work!" you shout from downstairs, hearing the sounds of running feet coming down the stairs.

there at the end of the staircase is your 4 year old twins, ally and jason. spencer left for a case 5 days ago and he just messaged you to tell you they were on their way home which is about a 40 minute plane ride.

you and spencer met at a bookstore, living completely different lives. spencer was a badass FBI agent with loads of trauma and you... well you were a high class hairdresser, basically rich because of your incredible saving skills. however your lives may have been completely different but your love for books and each other is what made your relationship happen. you guys have been together for 6 years.

you help the kids into the car, buckling them into their car seats before getting into the drivers side and starting the trip to FBI headquarters.

you get there with about 10 minutes to spare, getting through security and heading up to the sixth floor and going to see auntie penelope, aka the kids favourite person (apart from you and spence)

"knock knock" you say knocking on her open door gently, her instantly spinning around to see you guys, a wide smile appearing on her face.

"ally! jason! munchkins! baby geniuses!" she shouts, opening her arms wide for hugs.

"we came to surprise spence" you say, fixing up ally's hair. of course the kids got their dads hair and eyes.

"oh! i got a message from derek before that they just landed, they should be here in like... 4 minutes?" she says.

suddenly an idea pops in your head to scare spence with the kids.

"alright, well how about we hide from daddy and surprise him when he's at his desks? yeah!" you wave bye to penelope, telling her you'll come see her after. you and the kids go to the bullpen, you quickly writing on a sticky note from spencer's desk 'turn around' and placing it over his computer screen. you and the kids hide in the little kitchenette with perfect view of spencer's desk. the elevator doors open and you see penelope great everyone, spencer making his way to put everything down. as he reaches his desk, you and the kids quickly and quietly creep up behind him, ready to scare him. he picks up the more, turning around to be attacked by his kids.

"woah! hey guys!" he shouts, picking them both up, attacking them with kisses and hide hugs. once his finished his attack on the kids, he placed them down and they run over to the rest of the team to say.

he opens his arms for you, which you instantly walk into, squeezing him tightly.

"i missed you" you whisper, kissing the area of his neck that was accessible.

"i missed you too princess" he says, pulling you in front of him and kissing you properly.

"ewwww! germs!" shouts jason, making spencer smile against your lips and the whole team laugh at his spencer like features.

spencer goes back over to the kids, saying how he missed them and giving them their own kisses.

"alright, let me get the paperwork and put some things away then we can go alright" spencer tells you, messing your hair up a bit.

"yeah" you reply, going to converse with the team.

spencer comes back about 3 minutes later, ready to leave.

"alright, say bye guys" you tell the kids who are standing in front of you and spencer.

"byeeeee!" they sing together, clearly some type of twin telepathy thing.

you and spencer hid your own goodbye, walking hand in hand to the elevator with the kids skipping in front, heading to the elevator.

you let out a yawn, not even realising you were tired.

"you tired baby?" spencer asks, rubbing your arm once the elevator doors close.

"yeah, i guess. i didn't even realise" you say leaning into his touch.

"why don't you have a nap when we get home? i can watch the kids" he tells you.

"no, no. you just got back from a case and i missed you so i'd rather fall asleep next to you tonight. besides i have a client early tomorrow and if i have a nap then i won't sleep tonight" you explain, kissing his nose, a little cute thing you've done since your first date together.

"alright. those nose kisses never get old" he says, subtly slapping your butt.

"can we have pizza tonight? pepperoni to be exact" ally says after whispering with jason for a little while.

"it's your to daddy" you say, looking over to spencer"

"i was thinking a salad tonight..." he jokes, waiting for the kids reactions.

"nooooo! pizza!" jason literally stomps his foot.

"i was kidding. don't stomp your feet or no pizza for you" spencer says, getting jason's hand once your off the elevator, you grabbing ally's hand.

you look over at the people in your life, spencer, ally and jason, your family back in california and spencer's team. life couldn't get better.
word count - 880
just a shorter one today

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