you look good, bubs

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spencer gets a new haircut and he's worried how you'll react as well as his team, you reassure him that he looks great!

you're sitting on the couch with a bowl of fruit and one of spencer's many books, waiting for him to come home. he left this morning to go grocery shopping, leaving you a note.

just then you hear keys jingling outside and then the door knob turning, in walks spencer with two grocery bags...and a hat on his head?

"spence? what's with the hat babe?" you ask, moving to take it off, he pushes your hand away, backing away a little.

"spence? what's wrong? did i do something..." you trail off.

"no! no, of course not... i-i got a haircut and it's bad- like really bad-" you cut him off, pulling the hat off to reveal his short but still kind of longish hair.

"SPENCE! it looks so good!" you shout, generally really liking how it looks.

"y-you really like it? you're not just saying that?" he asks, uncertainty and insecurity lacing his tone.

"no, i don't like it. i love it silly!" you tell him, messing it up a little.

"i was worried you wouldn't like it, i told the barber not too short and then this happened i was going to yell at him fo-" he begins but you quickly shush him by putting your index finger over his lips, effectively silencing him.

"stop. it. you look great! i love it, your team is going to love it, you should love it too!" you shout, wanting him to understand how you see him.

"i don't think the teams goi-" he begins but once again, you effectively shush him.

"if the team doesn't like it, i'll come down there and give them a piece of my mind" you tell him, reaching up to give him a little kiss and hug him.

"mmm, i love you" he tells you, rubbing your back and then moving his hand to play with the buttons of his shirt you're wearing.

"why are you not wearing any shorts or a bra?" he asks slyly, still playing with the buttons of yours/his shirt

"because it's the weekend and i don't plan on going anywhere" you drag out, slowly starting to sway with him.

"let's go test out this hair in the bedroom, huh?" you propose, backing away to the bedroom.
"baby, do you know where my black sweater vest is?" spencer yells out from inside the walk in closet, you groan from the bed, getting out and putting the shirt you had earlier back on, and making your way to the dryer to get the infamous black sweater vest.

"you're a magician, couldn't you just make it appear out of thin air?" you joke, handing him his sweater vest.

"ha ha, you're funny," he says, clearly with no humour "but thank you beautiful, i'm running a bit late. you tempt me to be late everyday" he tells you, pulling a white button up on.

"hey, don't blame me!" you tell him, watching as he buttons up his shirt.

"this should be illegal" you state, wrapping your arms around his middle from behind.

"what should be illegal?" he asks, moving away from your grasp to pull his sweater vest on over his shirt, before he pulls you back into him for a hug.

"you coming home looking all sexy, then rearranging my insides and then leaving me for work" you tell him, wrapping your arms tightly around his middle.

"i'll be back late tonight, it's just paper work and hotch let us have a late start. i should be home unless a case comes up, but i'll call you if one does" he says, hugging you back and planting kisses on your head.

"did you get the ice cream when you went grocery shopping?" you question, clearly referring to the wicked chocolate ice cream you love.

"yeah i did- we didn't pack the shopping awa-" before he can finish, you're sprinting out of the room to put the ice cream and the other groceries away. thankfully the melted ice cream didn't leak out of the container.

spencer comes out fully dressed, converse in his feet, satchel over his shoulder, coming over to kiss you bye.

you wrap your legs around his waist, your arms around his neck, squeezing him as tight as you can.

"don't gooo" you whine, of course you know he has work, but you hate when he leaves even if it's just for paperwork.

"i'll be home tonight, i promise" he says, kissing your cheeks, forehead, nose, chin and lips. you jump down, hugging him properly.

"i love you" you whisper kissing him on the lips.

"i love you too, so much" he tells you, kissing your forehead.

spencer's pov:
i hate leaving y/n, but i didn't want to be even more late and get in trouble off of hotch.

as soon as i entered the FBI headquarters i saw emily walking in as well, she had to do a double take before she realised it was me.

"spence! nice hair, it suits you" she tells him, ruffling my hair.

"thanks" i say attempting to fix my hair.

we make our way to the elevator and go to the sixth floor, running into garcia and morgan coming from her 'bat cave' as she likes to call it.

"pretty boy! new look, huh?" derek ask, attempting to ruffle my hair also before i move away.

"why is everyone messing up my hair?" i ask as we walk through the glass doors.

the only person who's allowed to mess up my hair is y/n...
word count - 952
just a cute little something. i've been working on more one shots, what i like to do is prepare the drafts and then i randomly go back to them and start writing them, then stopping and coming back every now and then lmao.  also for this one shot, i imagine s9 hair but you can imagine boyband hair, s6, s7, s8 or any season you want!

(also the gifs have nothing to do with the stories, they're just ones i've found)

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