our love book

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the story of yours and spencer's love life

warning: smut
"mommy?" asks your daughter.

"yeah sweetheart?" you answer as you look up from your book, seeing a curious look on your daughters face.

"how did you and daddy meet?" she asks as the 3 year old turns to face you, ready for a story.

first meet ~

god you were already nervous enough for today and now you're running late! your first day and you're already making a bad impression.

you quickly rush off the elevator and note the empty bullpen "shit" you whisper to yourself as you rush up a small set of stairs and knock on the door labeled 'aaron hotchner'

"come in!" he calls out.

"hi sir, i'm agent y/l/n. i firstly just wanted to apologise for being late, i'm so sor-" you notice the confused look on his face and quickly shut up.

he gives a laugh before speaking, "it's nice to meet you agent y/l/n however you're not late. it's 7:30, i said be here by 8:30. you must've miss heard me" he gives another chuckle as he takes in your shocked and embarrassed expression.

"8- 8:30?" you ask.

"you're more than welcome to complete the paperwork necessary for new team members now if you want to? it'll save you from the boredom of just sitting at a desk and waiting an hour for the rest of the team" he offers as he pulls out a file, handing it over.

"oh sure. again i'm so sorry about getting the time wrong- great first impression huh?" you ask as you take the folder.

"don't worry about it. let me know when you're done" he tells you and you nod, closing the door on your way out.


you finally finish filling out the documents and you make your way back to agent hotchners office.

"here you go agent hotchner" you tell him as you place the folder down on his desk.

"thank you y/l/n, and please just sir or hotch is fine" he says.

as you're about to leave you notice a photo of a little boy on his desk, "is that your son?" you ask him.

"yeah it is" he smiles at the photo.

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