that time of the month

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y/n is experiencing bad period cramps and spencer comes home and helps her fell better.

you groaned, switching your position so you were in a ball form. your cramps were bad, and you had absolutely no energy to get up and get yourself a heat pack.

spencer was at work, so he couldn't do anything for you.

you started rocking hoping to get rid of your cramps, it was sort of working. you must've fallen asleep, because you only woke up when spencer started gently shaking you.

"hey baby, what's wrong?" he asked when he saw your tear stained face.
"my cramps are really bad" you answer, the pain instantly coming back.
he looks at you sad, before reaching into his bag, "well i stopped at the store because i knew your period started today" he hands you a value pack of chocolate bars, mint choc chip ice cream, he then moves to behind the couch, and pull out a medium sized teddy bear holding a heart. your eyes start to fill with tears and you can't stop them from falling down your face.
"hey don't cry babe, it's okay" he brings you the bear and comes and sits next to you.
"you're too kind bubs, thank you." you softly cry into his chest while holding the bear.
"wait here , i'll go put the ice cream in the freezer then i'll carry you and your bear and the chocolates to our room, alright beautiful?" you softly nod your head, snuggling into the bear. he comes back and puts his messenger bag across his body, putting the chocolates back in there before picking you and your teddy up.

now sure spencer may seem 'lanky' but he is actually strong and pretty masculine.

he gently put you on the bed, putting your chocolates on your side table and putting your teddy next to you. he sets his bag down, changing out of his work attire and putting on baggy sweats that are hanging low on his hips and a teddy bear sweater he recently brought.
seeing him in that sweater made you about sad, cause you love that one.

he notices you looking at him, smiles and reaches into his bag yet again, pulling out the exact same sweater but for you.

" i ordered you one that way we can be matching. i got it in a large and i sprayed it with my cologne so it'll smell like me." he gently pops it over your head, kissing you when your head pops through.

"i love you so much" you tell him.
"i love you more" he kisses you again.

he leaves the room for a few minutes, returning with a heat pack.

you lay snuggles on his chest with your teddy behind you, both you and spencer matching with your sweaters.

he is your everything.
word count - 478

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