you broke your promise

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spencer promised you he wouldn't hurt you, but he broke that promise when he started locking lips with someone else.

warnings: angst, arguing
"you leaving for cases never gets easier" you tell spencer as your arms tighten around his waist, his hands rubbing softly up and down on your back.

"i know baby, and i am sorry. but i have to leave" he tells you as he pulls away and plants some kisses on your forehead before giving you a soft but quick peck on your lips and rushing out the door.

you furrow your eyebrows but push it aside, blaming it on him running late. he normally never rushes out that quick even when he is running extremely late, he always makes sure you guys spend at least 5 minutes together before he leaves for god knows how long.

you grab a wine glass and pop open a bottle of red wine, taking the cup to the sofa and watching this new show you started watching on netlfix called 'shadow hunters'. it isn't your type, your type is mystery and crime, not necessarily fantasy/folklore but you've heard good things about it so you've decided to give it ago, so far so good.

after watching a few episodes of the show you decide to get some cleaning done as well as finish off some reports for your clients and add new events to your planner.

it's around 8 when you finish working and cleaning and you find it odd you haven't received a text from spencer or even a call. he normally calls when on the jet or at the hotel or whenever he can, this is when you start to get worried. you push all your worries aside and get ready for bed. you're sure he's fine and that he's just extremely busy so you decide to get some sleep while you can before your anxiety and worries about spencer sky rocket.


you wake up the next morning early due to your early night. you see that it's 7:30 and there's still no texts or calls from spencer. you get out of bed and grab your phone deciding to try and call him. when he doesn't answer you try again and again until you give up and dial penelope instead.

you start to worry and think of all these possibilities like he's injured or he's dead, but if anything were to happen to him surely you'd be notified-

"y/n? what's up? is everything alright, it's nearly 8 in the morning?" she asks groggily, you clearly woke her up.

"i-i'm not sure penelope, spencer isn't answering and he hasn't contacted me since he left for the case yesterday and i'm really staring to wo-" you begin rambling non stop, only cutting yourself off when penelope interrupts.

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