hit - part 1

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the bau is called in on a local case involving unsubs known as 'the face cards'. jjs family is put in danger and y/n helps out.

you, spencer (your boyfriend) and garcia were at some type of festival? to be honest you weren't really sure but garcia insisted you came along with them. it wasn't exactly your idea of a "fun way to spend a day off" according to garcia. but she was one of your best friends and she was going through a breakup.

you all worked for the BAU which is the behavioural analysis unit for the FBI at quanitco. you have been working there 4, nearly 5 years. over that time a lot had happened and it affected a lot of people. but when your best friend, emily prentiss, "died" you couldn't handle anything. you thought your life was over. until she came back and everything was explained. it of course took some readjusting for all of you, considering.

spencer and garcia were talking about a specific area at the festival they wanted to check out, you were zoned out. you quickly suggested going the other way after seeing kevin with a fellow FBI colleague from a different unit. however, the damage was done. garcia had seen them.

you and spencer gave each a lot as much to say "oh no" you couldn't help but given kevin a death stare, he moved on too quickly. after that awkward interaction, garcia was in a hurry to leave, making spencer upset he didn't get to see the convention better.

"we used to come every year, i can't believe kevin brought someone else." garcia's says sighing. "well you brought someone else" spencer answers looking slightly hurt that she ghosted his appearance. "yeah, someone i couldn't possibly be attracted to" she replies walking quicker. spence stops and looks at her before furrowing his brows, "you're welcome?" he asks quizzically. you giggle patting  him on the shoulder.

at that moment spencer spotted rossi. "woah, rossi!" he shouted getting his attention.rossi glares over everyone's outfits before noticing your eye roll, realising you were forced to be here. "why doesn't this surprise me?" he says trying to stifle a laugh. "are you here for convention?" spencer asks eagerly. uhh, so that's what they're called, you think to yourself. "who schedules a cigar aficionado event back to back with... this" he gestures with his hands towards his 3 fellow work colleagues. "i know right it's the greatest party ever. well- it was, it was going to be." spencer replies clearly not getting rossi's point. garcia's then speaks up for the first time, "i just saw kevin here, with another women. i'm plotting revenge, do you wanna help?" questions the woman.

rossi leans in before sighing, "no. now you know i love you all, but- it is my saturday off and i'd prefer to love you from afar. have fun, it's my bedtime." he man replies walking towards his car that just got brought to him.
spencer glances down at his watch, furrowing his brows "bedtime? it's 9am?" rossi glances back, "you're judging me?" and with that the man has gone.

you laugh looking around for something else to do, at that moment you see non other than erin strauss, walking out of a hotel lobby with messy hair. you tap spencer's and garcia's shoulders, getting their attention. you all share a look of realisation.

after you all decided on going back to yours and spencer's apartment for some drinks and to let garcia have a rant, you all get a text at the same time, indicating you have a case. all of you share a groan but once reading the text you all immediately rush over, reading that jj's boyfriends partner was shot and that it was a bank robbery with hostages right here in the city.

you all rush there quickly, fastening your FBI bulletproof vests before getting out of the car for safety. garcia rushes over to the mobile setup where she can work her magic. you and spence head over to your team, plus will.

after getting better details of the case you try to work out a plan. at this moment, rossi has had some communication with a guy you've identified as chris, his brother oliver was shot by will about an hour prior. however the women taunting your team remained unidentified.

chris demanded that will goes in, everyone is against the idea, especially jj.

while jj is going over maps with morgan, emily and yourself will starts walking towards the entrance. jj struggles against morgan as he holds her back, tears falling from her eyes. your heart breaks for her.

after will goes in a couple of gunshots are heard. jj cries more.

after coming up with a plan, emily and swat agents head towards the entrance, while yourself, morgan, jj and spencer start to head for the entrance near the back. hotch starts yelling to take cover before an explosion erupts from the bank.

from what you could see morgan tried to cover jj but didn't get there fast enough, spencer however basically pounced on you, protecting you. after coming to, you make sure spencer's okay before realising jj has a head injury and some shrapnel on her back.

she kept resisting your concerns to go the hospital until hotch ordered her to. "n-no! i-i can't leave will..." she sobs, fading off. you go to her side, "jj, i promise you- i swear to you i will find him and make sure he is alright. just please go to the hospital, if not for your own sake, for your sons." i knew that was unfair of me say, but she needed to listen. she nodded before going off in an ambulance.

you head into the building with spence, hotch and rossi following behind. you find prentiss and morgan with an elderly couple. your heart breaks even more when you hear her say "just let me stay with him, please. he's my love of 66 years" you try to hold back tears.

you and morgan head down to try and find will, hoping he is still alive. as you reach a back ally you see a bulky wallet, picking it up and opening it you realise it's wills.
word count - 1093
part 2 soon!!
sorry this is so long, also i had to cut some details out to fit better with how this will go such as jj going to the hospital, you finding wills wallet, etc!

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