personal shopper

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spencer takes you shopping and you repay him

*wink wink nudge nudge*
(sort of public sex? oral sex i think? idk i'm a virgin lol)
"y/n" spencer whispers, shaking you awake slightly.

you grumble at him and roll over, attempting to go back to sleep.

"come on" he says in a sing song voice.

"it's too early" you tell him, pulling him close to you so you can nuzzle into his chest.

"no it's 10am. come on i want to take you shopping" he tells me, pulling me back and quickly getting up.

"huh?" i ask him, not sure if i heard that right.

"i'm taking you shopping. come on, up, up!" he exclaims.

after a lot of grumbling and complaining from you, you finally get dressed in some black mom jeans and a dark blue crew neck, just leaving a bra on underneath.

spencer holds your hand the entire way to the car, only letting go to put the key in the ignition and buckling his seatbelt before he holds your hand in his again.

once at the shops you guys enter and spencer looks at you expectantly.

"what?" you ask raising your eyebrow.

"what do you mean what?" he laughs before continuing, "we're here to shop for you, lead the way!" he exclaims happily.

"noo, i wanna shop for you too" you tell him. knowing yourself you'll feel bad later because spence didn't get anything.

"w-what, no! we're here for you" he tells me again.

"noo i'll feel bad if we don't get you some stuff. please?" i ask giving my best puppy dog eyes, knowing he can't say no to them.

"fine, only a few things" he says, pointing his finger.

we begin our journey in victoria secret, me picking out a few new pairs of matching undergarments to which spencer approved of.

on the way to the checkout you grabbed one of their perfumes you love and made your way to the counter.

just as your were about to pay, spencer pushed you aside and swiped his card before you could protest.

"hey!" you say, getting his attention.

"what? i said we're going shopping, meaning i'm paying. where to next?" he asks, getting the bag from the cashier.

next we go to a new clothing store where i get some tops and some other clothing items that need trying on.

"spence come look" i yell out, unlocking the door while i wait for spencer to come in.

in he walks, victoria secret bag in hand.

i'm currently in a tight black tank top paired with a tight black skirt that ends mid thigh.

judging by how fast i just saw him get hard, i think it's safe to say he thinks i look good.

"w-woah. you l-look good" he says while subtly trying to fix his pants.

"spence" i lightly push him in the chair that's placed in the corner, kneeling in front of him and pulling down his zipper, then pulling down his pants and boxers.

"w-what are you doing?" he quickly stutters out.

clearly this man has never gotten head in public.

"what does it look like i'm doing?" i ask sarcastically.

however i don't give him a chance to respond as i quickly wrap my lips around him, leaving my tongue flat on the underside as i start to bob my head up and down. spencer's groans and incoherent words are louder and risk the chance of us getting caught so i quickly cover his mouth with my hand.

i continue bobbing myself up and down, feeling his dick twitch, knowing he's close.

"f-fuck" he moans out after removing my hand from his mouth.

i feel him shoot his load down my throat, quickly wiping my mouth and standing up, looking in the mirror.

"so this outfit?" i ask casually while he puts himself back inside his pants.

"very hot" he tells me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

we continue shopping a little bit longer for myself, stopping for lunch and a little break before going to stores for spence.

spencer doesn't find much however he does find a couple new sweater vests and some socks he fell in love with.
word count - 718
just a short one, hope you guys still enjoy!

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