psychological facts

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ssa y/n y/l/n used to be a psychologist before joining the BAU, meaning she knows a few tricks that come in handy. it just so happens that their prime suspect is denying everything...

"he's never going to confess, look at him!" derek sighs defeatedly.

"can i- can i give it a shot?" you ask weakly from the back, gaining everyone's attention.

"agent y/l/n, are you sure? you haven't done tbe appropriate training yet for interrogation..." questions hotch as he focuses his full attention on you.

"i-i understand this is my first offical case as an FBI agent, but i was a psychologist for a few years, there was certain tactics we were taught to help our clients open up to us, especially about traumatic pasts" you explain.

you were expecting this - doubt - but youre confident you of all people can get this man to confess.

"it's worth a shot hotch, we're running out of options and we only have," emily pauses as she glances down at her watch, "11 minutes before his able to walk free. we were lucky enough that he didn't request a lawyer for questioning, but when that 11- 10 minutes now, is up, his lawyer will be storming in here, ready to leave" emily sided with you, offering a kind smile as she finishes.

"alright, it's worth a try," hotch begins, glancing at you and then to rossi - he does that a lot, like he's asking for approval even though he's our unit chief, "but if at any point in time you feel uncomfortable, just leave the room" he says kindly.

"you got it" you say as you step forward, smooth out you shirt and open the door. both doctor reid and the suspect, jack jameson turn towards you.

"what's going on?" asks spencer, his eyebrows creasing in confusion.

"i'll be taking over the interrogation, we're down to our final minutes and those are crucial" you explain, hoping your newfound demeanour will come in handy during interrogation.

"everyone is waiting for you back at the hotel" you state as he walks past, slightly nudging him so he gets the idea that you're lying, and that you have a plan.

"won't you need a ride?" he asks, pausing in the doorway, adding to your plan.

"i'll figure that out" you close the door behind him, moving forward to the seat preoccupied by doctor reid.

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