the unsub...

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the team is called in to assist on a local case where wealthy , middle aged men are getting killed.

with a twist

"so basically what you're saying is that you left him there?" derek teases as he stands in front of you.

you slowly rise up from leaning on spencer's desk, "i didn't leave him there! he jus- he made smart ass comments about how he thinks it's wrong that i'm earning more money than him and then he proceeded to say that it's because i'm a woman! so i lied and said i had a case" you explain.

"woah- who said that?" emily questions from her own desk.

"mark from counter terroism"

emily erupts in laughs, nearly falling off her chair. she quickly regains herself before asking, "you actually went out on a date with him? he's just trying to get some!" she once again begins laughing hysterically.

"so was i! i mean come on you can't deny that he is hot... but once he opens that mouth it all disappears" you say.

"we have a case" hotch announces from the doorway of his office before making his way to the roundtable room.

everyone begins making their way to the round table room, emily snickering as she passes you.

"alright mighty crime fighter- hey why are you laughing? what did i miss?" garcia questions as we all take our seats.

"y/n went on a date with mark from downstairs and she left him with the bill-" derek begins.

"hey woah- i didn't leave him with the whole bill. i paid my half... i mean i did order at least 6 drinks just to make it through the 20 minutes i was there, i'm not that rude" you bite back.

"guys" hotch sharply interrupts.

"sorry" you all mumble.

"we'll talk later, anyways. this time the case is in our own backyard. 6 men have been brutally murdered by what the media is calling a hit women. she has a type, roughly 37 - 42 rich guys, all with blonde hair and hazel eyes. 2 of the victims are or were lawyers, 1 was a professor for mathematics, another was a earth scientist, they've all got different jobs" garcia begins.

"the media is calling her a hit women?" rossi asks.

"yeah but the odd thing is, usually after getting mentioned or becoming the headline or even getting named by the media, unsubs tend to escalate. except she isn't. in fact she's killing randomly. after the first kill it was a 3 week break before she killed again, then a 4 day break then 2 weeks and then 9 days... she isn't consistent so it's hard for the local police to even come up with their own theories" garcia explains.

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