the bookstore

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the story of how a bookstore changed spencer's life

spencer's pov:
finally i had a day off. don't get me wrong i love my my job, but sometimes it's a little demanding. today was spent cleaning my apartment and running errands.

first meet:
on my way back to my apartment i noticed a little bookstore i'd surprising never seen before, i of course decided to have a look.

i entered the store, the smell of old and new books instantly filling my nostrils.

the first thing i noticed was the pretty girl sitting at the counter, her looking up as i entered and offering me a small smile.

i made my way around the store, specially looking for quantum physics books. the girl at the front must've noticed how lost i looked as she made her way over to me.

"hey, do you need any help?" he asked sweetly. i used this time i observe her. her outfit was nice, her stomach was toned showing she liked to take care of herself, she had on platform shoes - maybe feels insecure her about her heigh-

"hello?" he asked, snapping me out of daze.

i really have to stop profiling random people

"s-sorry! do you h-have any quantum physics books?" i ask her, stuttering slightly.

"we don't have a lot but... here's the few that we do have. if you need help with anything else i'm just up the front!" she tells me after showing me where they are, before walking off.

i browse the books, finding a particular textbook that intrigues me. i pick it up and make my way to the counter.

"hey how'd you go?" she asks, taking the book from me and scanning it before placing it in a paper bag.

"good, t-thanks for the help" i answer, stuttering once again.

"of course, that's just $13.95 today, card?" she questions to which i just nod and swipe my card against the machine. she hands me my bag and receipt before i walk out the store.

'stupid stupid stupid'

i tell myself, becoming mad at myself for not giving her my card or at least asking for her name.

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