the truth is rarely pure and never simple

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the youngest agent tried her hardest to hide her past as well as she could until a case brings up her past and she must come clean to the team.
"everyone, roundtable room" hotch states before moving towards the roundtable room, awaiting for everyone else.

everyone gets up from their desks and makes their way, following after hotch. as everyone enters they get seated and look at garcia, waiting for her to begin presenting the case.

"garcia" hotch says once everyone's seated.

before she begins speaking, a look of disgust and horror crosses her face as she begins, "you're all going to the city of angles, except this is rarely pure. 4 families have been brutally murdered, however there's been one survivor from each family, the daughter. the daughters suffered multiple cuts and sexual assault, the brothers were shot execution style and parents have their throats slashed-" garcia continues, but as soon as you hear those words you zone out.

'no, no this can't be happening. no, he-he, no'
you tell yourself. this isn't possible.


"hey mom, what was that noi- who are you?" you come down stairs after hearing a crash, your brother hot on your tail. that's when you see it- you see your parents on the floor, dead. not moving. a man standing over them.

"b-billy, go upstairs! NOW!" you yell at him, turning around the run before your ankle is grabbed and you're dragged down the stairs, getting knocked unconscious.

when you wake up, you see your parents been dragged against the wall, your brother sitting in a chair in front of them... not moving.

you try to get up and help him but your legs won't move. they're tied together. your wrists are bound in front of you also.

"w-what did you do! mom! dad! BILLY!" you shout, getting the attention of the man.

"they can't help you, angel " he tells you, walking over to you before shoving a white rag over your face and within seconds, you're knocked out.

while unconscious he cuts the tape bounding you, yanking your pants down and raping you - taking away your innocence - before stabbing you, where he thought was fatal but in actuality leaving you alive.

when you wake up you're met with smells of chemicals and you're in a bed, not bound. you look around seeing two men, both middle aged, dressed professionally, with guns...

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