welcome home <3

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spencer gets home from a case and y/n and him finally 'catch up'

your pov:
you and spencer have been dating for over a year. you now share an apartment together and to make up for him being gone so much you also have a golden retriever named molly.

he was away on a case, one that's so far lasted a week. he told you he wouldn't be able to talk to you as much because they were following a lead. it 8pm and you'd somehow managed to fall asleep on the couch.

spencer's pov:
i rushed up my apartment complex stairs, eager to see y/n. i hadn't seen her in what felt like years, when in actuality it'd only been a week.

i put my key in the slot, opening the door. molly came rushing to greet me, but y/n didn't. i got a bit worried until i heard her soft snores coming from the living room sofa. i slowly put my bags down and took off my shoes and coat. i made my way over to the sofa to see her fast asleep in a pair of my boxer briefs that hung low on her hips with a see through white tank top. the first thing i noticed were her hard nipples, but not from being turned on, because she was cold. after seeing that i was turned on.

i softly shook her awake, her slowly opening her eyes and adjusting to the light.

your pov:
you were gently awoken by spencer. it took a while to adjust to the light but once you did, you wasted no time jumping on him hanging on his torso with your legs around his waist.

he chuckled before kissing you, "well hello to you too." he laughs.

"i missed youuu." you drag out the last word, before jumping down and kissing him passionately.

he copies your actions instantly, "are you sure? we can go to sleep if you want." he asks just to be sure. this wasn't your guys first time, but he wanted to make sure you didn't want to go back to sleep.

"i haven't seen you in a week, silly. yes i'm positive." you reply softly.

he smiled but before he can lean down to kiss you, you stand on your tippy toes to whisper in his ear, "i want you to take away my ability to walk. don't be gentle" you whisper softly.

he looks at you with nothing but pure love and affection, before picking you up, squeezing your ass, while kissing you and making his way to your large shared bedroom.

he quickly kicks the door shut, not wanting molly to act as an audience. he gently puts you down on your bed, before pointing to your shirt "dangerous game you're playing here y/n" he whispers. you chuckle.

he wastes no time pulling your shirt off, exposing your bare chest. he starts to kiss his way down from your neck to your boobs. now you're nipples are hard as rock and extremely sensitive. he firstly takes your left breast in his mouth sucking and swirling his tongue over your nipple. and leaves hickeys over your breast and bites down. he then repeats his actions with the right breast.

you start to arch your back and moan, being extremely sexually frustrated. you start to unbutton his shirt and waste no time pulling it off. as you go for his pants, his hands stop you, "let me take care of you first, alright baby?" you nod slowly. he pulls his boxer briefs that you stole from him down, being shocked to see you have no underwear on. he looks at you with wide eyes, to which you just shrug.

he wastes no time running his fingers up and down your slit, "you're so wet already baby" he then attaches his mouth to your clit, sucking it roughly which only makes you moan louder. he then inserts 2 fingers and starts to hit your g-spot with every movement of his fingers. the familiar knot starts to build up in your stomach and you don't even have to warn him, he knows. "let go baby" he gives his permission. normally he makes you suck his finger clean if your juices, but tonight he did it. you stare wide eyes, to which he now shrugs, mimicking your actions from earlier.

suddenly you had an idea, "baby" you ask hesitantly. he looks at you, promoting you to continue. "c-can i ride you tonight?" you ask shyly. his smile grows and he nods eagerly.

he quickly undresses himself the rest of the way before you start to kiss him, helping him onto the bed. you switch positions, so his on the bottom. you line him up with your throbbing entrance and slowly push down, breathing heavily due to his huge size.

you quickly start to set a pace, moving up and down, you're both panting and moaning messes. he sits up so you can wrap your arms around his shoulders while moving. you start kissing while picking up the pace. you can start to feel the knot building again and you know he's close as you can feel his dick twitch inside of you. he starts to suck your breasts again, bringing you over the edge faster. even though you've finished, he hasn't yet so you keep
your movements going. it's not long until he empties his cum inside of you. you kiss him quickly, before hopping off and to go clean yourself up and go pee.

when you get back you put your clothes from
earlier back on, seeing spence already put his boxers back on and is in bed waiting. he opens the blanket for you, to which you quickly run over and snuggle with him. he kisses you goodnight before saying 'i love you'

you truly are lucky to have this man. you both fall asleep quickly.
word count - 996

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