wrongfully accused - part 2

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y/n gets framed for murder and goes to jail, spencer sees her for the first time

Emily made it her number one priority to make sure your identity as an FBI agent wasn't revealed to any other prison inmates, and that you got placed in protective custody. that brought you some hope, however that was soon crushed when your prison changed last minute and you found out you were getting released into general population.

after stripping down and handing your court clothes off to the guard, you got handed your prison jumpsuit. you silently gagged at the grey colour before pulling it on. thankfully you got a cell almost immediately.

no one knew you were FBI but that didn't stop people hurting you. as inmates like to call it, you were "fresh meat". making your way to showers, you were ambushed. you started yelling out for help only to realise it was just you and your attackers.

they started beating you, leaving bruises all over your body before making you stand up by pulling your hair and slamming your head into the sink located near the showers. after that everything went black.

when you woke up, you were in the infirmary. a nurse started explaining how you had a concussion and a cut on your forehead that she's stitched up. you were then sent to your cell for sleep, dreading the next few days, weeks, months, maybe even years.

the next day you were resting in your cell, trying to get rid of a major headache when a guard came and started to cuff you and told you that you've got a visitor. you instantly started panicking, not wanting anyone to see you like this.

as you walked into the visitation room filled with other inmates, you saw Spencer. you started to feel tears sting at your eyes. as soon as he saw you he started crying at your appearance. you had bruises near your eye, on your cheek as well as on your arms. not to mention the couple of butterfly stitches that were visible from afar.

you quickened your pace trying to get to him as fast as you could, instantly going to hug him before a guard yelled "NO TOUCHING" you turned to the guard before turning back to Spencer giving him a weak smile.

"baby...what happened?" he questioned as tears trickled down his face.
you pointed to your face saying "welcoming committee" seeing the fear in his eyes you quickly shook your head "i'm fine babe. i promise. have you guys found out who framed me? or have any idea" you asked avoiding his gaze.

"no, but we were able to get a photo of the murder weapon. it's that knife that went missing from our kitchen a couple weeks ago after you used it for dinner that night. our theory is that when we went to get our ice cream, someone broke into our apartment or picked the the lock and took the knife. whoever did this spent a lot of time planning it" he said, sighing.

you looked away, hoping for some good news. "if this person spent a lot of time planning this, it's gonna no to be a lot harder to get me out than i thought" you thought to yourself.

Spencer started to explain to you that he and the team would work non-stop, with your father helping. you knew what you were about to do was going to crush him, but it had to be done.

"Spence... i-i don't want you or anyone from the team or m-my dad to visit me" you said through your tears

Spencer's face was shocked. "what? why? baby we're gonna visit you everyday, to let you know that you are not alone. ok we're not gonna lea-"
he started before you cut him off quickly.

"because whenever i see any of you i'm going to start crying and i can't appear weak to the other inmates, it'll just be worse for me. and what if some inmates recognise some of you? anyone who will visit is or was a federal agent. there's a girl in here who gideon arrested. i-it isn't safe. if they find out i'm FBI, i'm done."

in a couple minutes visiting hours will be over, so you knew you had to speak fast. "listen babe- i still love you, so fucking much and i always will. but if it turns out i'm going to be in here for years, i want you to move on. don't wait around for me. be happy, alright? i'm sorry. tell the team and my d-dad and jack...that i'm s-sorry."

"visiting hours are now over inmates stand and make your way for strip search!"

spencer's pov:

i rushed into the BAU, in need to tell everyone else what y/n just told me. i found everyone in the conference room, all looking at me with sad eyes.

"Spence, how is she?" JJ asked reaching to put a hand on my forearm

"She said we can't visit her a-anymore. she said no one is to go to the p-prison otherwise it'll make things worse for her. Guys, she's h-hurt. she has bruises on her face, on her arms probably all over her body and she has stitches on her forehead. s-she hasn't even been there a full day and she's already gotten hurt! how are we supposed to protec-" my sobs took over, causing me to fall to me knees.

everyone rushed over telling me it was going to be okay, and that she would get through this. we would get her out, even if it was the last thing we ever did.
word count - 961

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