meet the parents

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after just moving in together, spencer wants to meet your parents!
"spence i'm telling you, we don't have to. my parents, they're different - they're going to ask so many questions and they're so rude, they-" you begin ranting to spencer

"baby i couldn't care if they didn't like you dating me, i want to meet your parents" he tells me as he rubs his arm up and down mine, his thumb rubbing across my collar bone as we lay in bed.

"they suck spence! i don't want you to think any different of me because of them, or even worse, leave me because of them!" i tell him as i groan and hide my face in the pillows.

he kisses my bare back, moving my hair out the way.

"i. don't. care." he says, kissing me after every word.

"they're not going to make me think any different of you, that's a promise. i love you too much to let you go" he whispers.

i lift my head up and smile at him, still worrying about how my parents will react when meeting spencer.

i mean spencer's perfect, he has a great job, he's a literal genius, he has an excellent personality and overall he's a great guy. but my parents judge everyone for the tiniest of things and it's so annoying.

after moving in with spencer a few months ago, we had a chat about meeting parents and him introducing me to his team. i met his team and they're all amazing and so welcoming. i also met his mom when we started off as friends and went with him
to the sanitarium to help him with his mom.

and now, he wants to meet my parents...

we're supposed to meet them at this restaurant for lunch, and of course my parents picked the fanciest one out there.

we both eventually get out of bed and shower, doing everything necessary such as washing our hair, washing our bodies and shaving - spencer fixing up his beard and me shaving my legs.

while spencer finishes up in the shower i hop out and wrap a towel around my hair and my robe around my body before making my way to our closet.

i'm not one that likes to dress to impress, but if i don't look presentable my mom is going to rip into me big time and embarrass me.

so that being said, i pick out some black mom jeans with a sage green tank top and a white crew neck which will be hanging over my bag as it's hot out.

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