i never stopped loving you

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2 years ago you and spencer broke up and you thought it was just because he didn't love you anymore... now you're forced to see each other again and he finally reveals the truth...
i couldn't believe i was back here. i promised myself i'd never come back here, but here i am...

2 years ago my heart got broken. 2 years ago the person who i thought was my soulmate left me broken and didn't even try to help put the pieces back together.

flashback - 2 years ago...
i walked into the BAU like i did everyday. there was no case today which meant paperwork, my favourite type of day... literally. paperwork days are when everyone on the team is more relaxed and not as tense and of course when we can play games while doing our work.

i entered the BAU seeing everyone already there, i guess i was late?

"hey guys" i greet everyone as i take my seat at my desk, noticing the large pile of case files i have to review and fill out.

"hey" everyone greets back... except for spencer. a few months ago i wouldn't have minded, but my boyfriend not saying hi to me? did i do something wrong?

i got up from my desk taking my phone with me and making my way to an empty office, texting spencer to meet me here. i waited a while, starting to feel like he wouldn't show, until the office door opened and in he walked.

"what's wrong?" he asked entering the office and keeping a distance from me.

"what's wrong? i don't know reid, you tell me. you're ignoring me and keeping your distance like- like i have a bad smell or something!" you intended for the last part to be a joke, but it came out in a serious tone.

spencer looks up at you, looking back down when you catch his gaze. you stand there waiting for him to explain what's wrong, what you did wrong.

"i-i can't do this a-anymore" he says, quickly walking out of the office, leaving you standing there beyond confused.

you bite your tongue hard as you fight tears, making your way to hotchs office and explaining that a 'family emergency' came up and you need a few days off. once you got the approval you quickly grabbed your things and left, ignoring everyone's questions as you made your way out.

that night you deleted all but 3 photos of you and spencer, put things of his in a box... but kept one shirt. that night you made a final decision... you were going to leave the BAU.

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