grocery shopping adventures

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a late night trip to the grocery store with spencer is more fun than you expected!
"spenceee" you call out in a sing song voice, hoping it reaches your boyfriend who is reading in the living room.

"yes babe?" he calls back out however you can hear his feet against the floorboards so you're assuming he's coming to you.

"we have no more double chocolate ice cream or mint cookies" you tell him after browsing through the freezer and pantry.

"i could've sworn i brought some the other day" he tells you, giving you a mischievous smile, indicating he knows you already ate it.

"i already ate it. can we go to the store and get some? pleaseeeeee?" you ask as you walk up to him and begin begging him.

"fine, only cause you're cute" he tells you.

you quickly throw on some warmer clothes and slippers and wait for spencer by the door.

it's currently 11:12pm and you and spencer both decided to watch a movie in the living room, however when you don't have your favourite foods, how is that supposed to happen? hence why you guys are going to the store.


"grab a cart, we may as well do shopping while we're here" i tell him spence as we enter the grocery store.

as soon as he gets the cart i hop in, giving him a cheeky smile as he scoffs.

"i should've known" he says.

we begin making our way down the isles, grabbing pieces of food and drinks that we need back at the apartment.

"alright, what ice cream?" spencer asks as he comes to a stop in front of the freezers.

"help me out please?" i ask as i attempt to get out myself.

he helps me, but pretends to drop me, making me scream and hold onto him for dear life.

"spence! don't do that! my heart oh my god" i exclaim as i hold my hand over my chest, grasping his shirt as he helps me steady, laughing his ass off at my reaction.

"it's not funny!" i exclaim as i hit his chest lightly.

he continues laughing as i observe the ice cream flavours, picking two and placing them in the cart.

just as spencer is about to pick a flavour i interrupt, "what do you think you're doing?" i ask in a serious tone, however my intentions are playful.

"getting some ice cream?" he tells me.

"no, i don't think you deserve some ice cream after the stunt you pulled before" i joke around.

"what? baby come on, i'll make it up to you!" he says as he begins making his way to me, grabbing my waist and pulling me into him, smashing his lips against mine.

this definitely makes up for his little joke.

"mmm, that makes up for it i guess" i tell him as he pulls back, my lips chasing his.

"i'll make up for it the rest at home" he says as he winks at me and places his ice cream in the cart.

'this mother fucker' i think to myself.

we continue on our journey around the grocery store, grabbing things that we need, all the while i'm thinking about what's going to happen at home with spencer.

we get to the checkout and the lovely lady scans our items and of course, spencer beats me to paying.

"hey, i would've payed! you always pay" i complain as we gather the bags and head out.

"i like paying" he tells me.

"yeah i bet your bank account doesn't though" i joke, earning a cackle from spencer.

once we finally get home and unpack all the shopping, the idea of a movie and ice cream is completely forgotten when spencer pulls me into our bedroom.

"i believe i said i'd make it up to you at home? well, we're home" he says with a mischievous smile on his face as he kicks the door closed, hands wrapped around my waist.

this is going to be a long night
word count - 714

i know i know, i robbed you guys of the smut but i don't really like writing smut i just feel weird in a way but i love reading it!

also just a short one for today

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