the girl from downstairs

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spencer is dating agent y/l/n from counter terrorism, his team doesn't know but after y/n surprises him he feels like they have an idea of their relationship
today during my lunch break i decided i'd bring lunch to my boyfriend spencer who works just a floor up from me.

i left as soon as my break started, rushing to my car and heading to taco bell.

as soon as i got the food i raced back to the FBI headquarters so we'd have time to eat together. i quickly went onto the nearest lift and pressed for floor six.

as soon as i entered the BAU, i spotted spencer sitting at his desk. i crept over to him, balancing the bag of food and the drinks in my hands before calling his name, causing him to turn around.

at first he looked confused, then shocked and finally a big smile broke out on his face.

"y/n!" he exclaims, taking the drinks and bag from me, placing them on his desk before picking me up and spinning me around.

"woahh" i laugh, stabilising myself on his desk.

"i got us lunch" i tell him, handing him his drink and bag of food. he surprises me by kissing me, something he hasn't ever done in front of his or my coworkers.

"i missed you" he tells me, sitting down on his seat.

i laugh, situating myself on his desk, "you only saw me this morning before you left" i tell him, putting my straw in my drink.

"i still missed you" he tells me, placing his hand on my thigh while he starts to eat his taco.

"i missed you too" i tell him ruffling his hair.

we continue to eat in silence, our silence been broken by a dark skinned man. from spencer's descriptions i'm positive that's derek morgan. a big brother figure to spencer.

"hey pretty boy! who's this pretty lady?" he asks, walking over and stealing a fry from spencer.

"u-uh derek this is y/n" he introduces.

"hi derek, it's nice to meet you" i extend my hand for him to shake, him shaking my hand before looking over at spence.

"yeah it's nice to meet you too" he tells me, eyeing my ID clipped to my button up shirt.

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