little italian

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rossi's daughter comes to one of his dinner nights, surprised to see his team is there as well. her and spencer hit it off, exchanging numbers and more!

let's pretend rossi and krystal had a daughter together and never got divorced :)

you we're running late, of course you were.

you should've left 20 minutes ago but doing your hair and makeup took too long. you quickly threw in some black mom jeans, a black lace bralette with a cropped baby pink sweater on top. you laces up your platformed black converse, grabbed your purse and ran out of your apartment to your car to make your way to your dads house.

he invited you over for dinner a week ago, you jumping at the opportunity to see your dad and mom because you've been so busy with work, plus you loved your dads pasta.

you got to his mansion 15 minutes later, using your key to get inside.

you heard laughter outside, confused for a second until you saw what you guessed was your dads team along with your dad and mom sat at the outside table.

"finally y/n, you're late" he scolded you, offering a play full smile.

"i'm sorry dad- it took longer to do my hair than i thought. but if i had of known that other people would be here i would've tried to get here earlier" you tell him, offering a smile to the rest of the people seated in front of you.

"everyone, this is my daughter, y/n. y/n this is spencer reid, emily prentiss, jj, derek morgan and penelope garcia and of course aaron" he introduces, the only person you really know is aaron from your teenage years.

"hi, it's nice to meet everyone- i'm so sorry i'm late i didn't realise there would be other guests" you explain, making your way to the empty seat beside  spencer reid.

now that you were up close to spencer, your theories is proven when you see his sweater fully. a sweater from your brand! wow... if this isn't a sign, then what is? you also notice how handsome he is.

"oh my gosh! i love your sweater! that is so adorable! where'd you get it?" asks penelope who is wearing a bright purple dress with dark blue polka dots all over, along with purple chunky heals and assortments of jewellery all over.

she has style, you thought to yourself.

"oh, thank you! i actually run a clothing business, i knit these myself. i haven't realised these yet though, still in the maybe pile" you tell her, you love when you can talk about your business, you've worked so hard for how far you've come and it makes you happy when people admire and support your business.

"you make those? that's amazing!" exclaims jj.

"thank you! i also make and design men's clothing, in fact spencer, nice sweater!" you tell him, admiring your work on such a handsome guy.

"no way! y-you made this? i have l-like 7 more from y-your company at home!" he tells you, his face lighting up like a child on christmas.

everyone chuckles, once again small talk takes over,
you and spencer talking while your mom and dad plate the pasta and serve wine.

"i can't b-believe you made this! it's a-awesome, they're so comfy that's why i h-have so many. i a-actually have some m-more items in my cart!" he tells you, stuttering slightly.

"really? don't worry about paying, just i'll give you my number later and i'll send them to you for free, just make sure you tell me what you were planning on ordering" you tell him, wanting to see him in more of your clothes.

you and spencer continue to chit chat about many things, mostly about what materials you use and how you come up with designs.

"alright! dinner is served!" rossi shouts, you dying to dig in.

after the first bite everyone praises rossi for his delicious meal, however half way through eating your phone rings. excusing yourself you go inside and answer it.

"hello?" you ask, not recognising the number.

"y/n! oh my gosh, tyler trashed your apartment when i went to the grocery store i'm so sorry! he won't calm down, is there any way you could come back here?" your frantic number asks, worry instantly setting in.

"yeah! yeah i'm on my way. thank you so much, lesley!" you quickly hang up, running outside to explain in the issue. 

"guys i'm so sorry, i have to go, tyler trashed my apartment. we should do this again, it was fun. bye mom, bye dad!" you tell running out and blowing air kisses.

third person pov:

"guys i'm so sorry, i have to go, tyler trashed my apartment. we should do this again, it was fun. bye mom, bye dad!" y/n yelled running out of the backyard.

spencer looked down, a bit disappointed.

tyler? she has a boyfriend? he must be crazy or dangerous if he trashed her apartment, he thinks to himself.

rossi looks up, noticing the change in spencers behaviour.

"don't worry spencer, tyler is her dog. she's single. i suggest you go give her your number before she leaves" he states, chewing his pasta.

spencer looks up, wondering how rossi knew spencer started to grow a little crush on y/n.

"uh- i-i didn't-" he stutters, rossi holding back laughter.

"go kid" rossi encourages.

spencer runs away from the table, hoping you haven't left yet. he gets out the front door seeing you about to drive off. he quickly waves his hands, getting your attention.

your pov:

just as i was about to drive off, spencer comes running out, frantically waving his hands. i put the car back in park and turn off the engine, getting out to see what's wrong.

"spencer? what's wrong?" you ask, feeling a little nervous now that it's just you 2.

"listen i-i think you're a-absolutely gorgeous and i-i would like to take y-you out- on a date?" he finished, his statement becoming a question.

you blush slightly, averting your gaze before walking towards him and kissing him softly.

"woah. so is that a y-yes?" he asks.

this kid, you think to yourself.

"of course it's a yes. here give me your phone, i'll give you my number and i'll bring the clothes for you. just message me a place and a time" you explain, taking his phone from his outstretched hand and adding your contact.

"bye" you wave softly, getting a little wave and huge smile back.
word count - 1116

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