daddy issues

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y/n's drunken absentee father visits her at work and belittles her in front of the team
"i know this case didn't end how we all would've liked it to, but well done team. get this paperwork done and then head home" hotch tells us as we all set down our bags and sit down, prepared for the next couple of hours of non stop writing.

this case wasn't easy, especially on you. the case was right here in dc, and there was a 'hit man' type of unsub who was going around killing drug dealers. what made this hard is that your dads drug dealer was one of the few who died. you haven't spoken to your dad since 7 years ago, when he picked drugs and alcohol over you and your mom. you're not even sure if mark was still his dealer, but if he was, you're expecting to hear a call from your dad.


you're more than half way through the paperwork when yours and everyone else's attention turns to the glass doors after they're slammed open, hitting the walls. you're surprised they didn't smash. your mouth falls open as you see who it is.

"you" he points straight at you, walking quickly over to you, getting right up in your face to the point you can smell the rum on his breath.

"d-dad. what are you doing here?" you ask him, hating the way the word 'dad' falls from your mouth.

"is it true? is mark dead?" he shout at you, some of his  spit landing in your hair.

"y-yeah, he's dead-" you're prepared to tell him there was nothing you could do, however that chance doesn't arise as he slaps you straight across the face. the sound of the slaps rings out in the silent bullpen. gasps and footsteps can be heard straight after as your team watches and your cheek turns a deep red. morgan, hotch and rossi move towards your dad, prepared to cuff him, meanwhile spencer and the girls come over to you, inspecting your cheek.

"sir, i'm going to have to ask you to put your hands behind your back, you're under arrest for assaulting a federal agent" morgan says. you can tell by his tone he's keeping himself from hitting your dad, but he must follow protocol.

"she's my daughter- get the fuck off of me!" he shouts as morgan pushes him against the wall and successfully clicks the cuff in place.

"she may be your daughter but she's still a federal agent, and you're still under arrest" hotch says as another agent comes to escort him out and everyone rushes over to you.

"oh my god, your cheek- it's red" penelope states the obvious as she rushes over to the freezer to get some ice. she wraps it in the towel before coming back over to you, handing it to you.

you place it where it stings, not even wincing.

"this has happened before, hasn't it?" rossi asks what everyone else is thinking.

"it's been a few years" you tell them, ignoring their stares.

"he will be getting punished, it may be jail time or some other from of punishment. i cant be sure what" hotch tells you.

you nod slowly, noticing everyone's worried looks.

"i'm fine guys. i'm just gonna finish this at home if that's okay?" you ask as you hand penelope the towel back and pack up your bag, leaving.

third person pov;

"she's not okay is she?" asks penelope as she watches the elevator doors close.

"no" everyone says, looking over at spencer.

"you're her boyfriend, go. be there for her" jj says.

spencer gets approval from hotch before packing up his own things and leaving.


you let your tears fall as soon as you're in your car and they don't stop until you're home.

you scream as you throw a plate at the floor, watching it shatter into hundreds of tiny pieces. you're so in your mind you don't hear the banging on the door until the door opens, showing spencer standing there.

"w-what- how'd you get in?" you ask him as he walks over to you, careful to avoid the smashed plate.

"your spare key" he tells you before pulling you into him, comforting you how you wish you were comforted all those years ago, when you were a child.

"it's okay, shhh. i'm here baby" he tells you sweetly as he picks you up and leads you over to the couch. he sits down and pulls your head in his lap as he plays with your messy hair and wipes your falling tears away.

"why didn't you ever tell me?" he asks you as he keeps up with his movements on your hair.

"i don't like talking about it" you tell him.

"that's okay, that's fine. just promise me if you ever want to talk about it to someone, you'll talk to me" he asks.

"i know a small extent of absentee dads" he tells you softly.

you nod and sit up, straddling his lap but sex is the last thing on your mind.

"let's watch a movie" he suggests as he turns on your tv and starts a movie. 
word count - 882

not the daddy issues and bitch slap :)
this has been in my drafts for a while and i couldn't wait to publish it

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