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after a rough case, y/n blames herself for losing a victim and what was supposed to be a movie night turns into spencer making her feel better
this last case was... rough, to say the least. me and spence are beyond exhausted and just want to get home, relax and be together.

we walk through our apartment door, spencer immediately puts his bag down before taking mine and also putting it down, pulling me into his arms. it's the little things he does, he knows how to make me feel better.

"you know it wasn't your fault" he tells me, kissing my head and rubbing my back. i just nod against him, not fully believing him but just nodding anyway.

he pulls me back at arms length, "hey, believe me when i tell you there was no way you could've known, okay? if you keep blaming yourself you're going to exhaust yourself out" he says, kissing my forehead then my nose and lips.

"come on let's go get some comfy clothes on and then we'll watch movies, alright?"

he leads me to our bedroom, helping me get out of my work clothes before helping me into some of his boxers, a tank top and one of his sweaters, him also changing into some sweatpants and a sweater. we cuddle up in bed, him quickly leaving to get some snacks and drinks while i set the tv up to netflix.

he comes back in, also carrying my weighted blanket considering it's a bit cold. he sets the blanket down over you both before putting the snacks down on top.

"what movie?" you ask softly, peering over at him.

"you pick" he tells you, kissing your cheek. you smile softly before settling on 'when a stranger calls', a horror movie you both like.

"good choice" he tells you, opening the bag of skittles and popping some in his mouth before offering you the bag.

you guys sit and watch some of the movie while occasionally eating the snacks and drinking the fruit juices he brought in.

for some reason about a half way through the movie, you start to cry. you try to hide the fact that you're crying, however spencer hears a tiny sob you let out.

"baby, come here" he pulls you into him, cradling you like you're a baby, rubbing your back and playing with your hair.

"hey, hey what's wrong babe?" he asks, pulling you back to see your face.

"i-i don't know- i still f-feel guilt about t-that girl-" you're cut off by your sobs, referring to the girl that lost her life because of your mistake in the geographical profile.

"you know that wasn't your fault, silly" he tells you, rubbing his thumb across your cheek.

"it was though, it was m-my mistake in the geographical profile" i try to tell him, wiping away my falling tears.

"bubs he hasn't abducted or killed anyone in that area so no one thought it was apart if his comfort zone. you can't blame yourself otherwise you'll end up blaming yourself for every victim we can't save and i don't want that" he tells me, kissing my forehead before smoothing my hair back.

i just nod in response, realising that he is right. i'm just been too hard on myself.

"can we please go to sleep?" i ask him, suddenly realising how tired i really am.

he nods, whispering an "of course" before helping me up. while he puts the snacks away and turns the tv off, i go to the bathroom and wash my face, clean my teeth and do my whole skincare routine even though i don't feel like doing it, i'll regret it.

spencer comes in and wraps his arms around me, reaching for his toothbrush to brush his own teeth. he makes funny faces at me while he brushes his teeth, achieving at making me smile.

he holds my hand back to the bedroom, pulling back the covers for me to hop into bed first, before he climbs in and pulls me flush against his chest, playing with my hair while i slowly start to fall asleep, being comforted by the love of my life. _____________________________________
word count - 826
hey guys, this one is sort of short but i hope you guys still enjoy!

also important:
thank you guys so much for 29k reads, that's insane! i never though i'd get this far or that anyone would actually enjoy these but wow! also i've lately been thinning about writing a proper story which wouldn't be posted for a while as i'd like to write a bunch of one shots and keep them in the drafts and then write out the first few chapters for the story because school would make it hard to write chapters everyday! im not sure what the story would be about but would you guys like to see a story from me?

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