if it wasn't for you

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readers boyfriend cheats on her, but it isn't the first time. spencer helps her through her rough patch + time jump!
"cause you saved me spencer reid," you say as some more tears flow down your face, "and i can't wait to start our family" you finish off as you place your hand over your stomach where you're only showing a little bit.

flash back - 3 years ago
"you lying son a bitch! you fucking cheater!" you yell out to your boyfriend watching as he steps closer to you.

"don't you yell in my face!" he screams out as he slaps you across the face.

"get out" you say through gritted teeth as you clench your fist, so ready to hit him.

"happily" he says as he grabs his bag and walks past you, deliberately knocking in you.

"give me your key" you say, watching as he throws it you.

once that door shuts, you let the tears flow freely. all that time, those 2 and a half years of loving him, all for what? for him to cheat?

1 month after the breakup;

"y/n are you okay? i-i've noticed you've been a bit off for a while now" asks spencer as he approaches your desk.

"uh yeah, yeah i'm fine" you lie, keeping your gaze on the file in front of you.

"y/n please talk to me" spencer begs as he places a gentle hand on your shoulder.

"james cheated on me. probably more than once. its not a big deal" you tell him, grabbing your bag and stuffing the file in there before speed walking out of the office.

1 month, 2 weeks after the break up;
"y/n! why don't you come over for a movie? we can watch whatever you want" spencer asks as you get off the jet.

you consider it, deciding to go. ever since you and james broke up you've been in a slump and haven't hung out with friends for ages. you're not going to let him ruin your life or your old habits, which includes hanging out with friends.

"sure. what time?" you ask as you walk side by side.

"how about you can give me a ride to my apartment and then we can watch the movie?" he ask trying to hold back a laugh.

spencer reid imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now