one night changes everything

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you and spencer have a one night stand, you end up working at the BAU with him.

you and your best friend amelia walked into the bar, one last girls night before she moves away.

"i still can't believe you're leaving me!" you shout to her over the music.
"i know, i'll miss you too. but on the bright side, you're starting a new job! and you can tell me about at the end of everyday!" she tries to stay optimistic.

you pout and reach out to hug her. you and amelia have always being close, ever since primary school. even after you started seperate jobs. you became a forensic ballistic expert and amelia worked at a record studio. after a few years of working in forensics you decided to take extra classes and work on a second degree to become a profiler for the BAU. you were starting in a couple days and you were so excited, but the next day after finding out this news, amelia got offered an amazing singing gig at LA and she couldn't pass it up.

"you're gonna be a hell of a singer" you told her with teary eyes.

she smiled at you, looking past you before looking back at you, "you seem to have caught the attention of a very hot guy behind you" she nodded her head forward, you turned around to find a guy, roughly your age dressed in black dress pants, a blue button up paired with a grey sweater vest and a blazer on top, along with converse on his feet. he was... hot. his hair was a scruffy kind but you just knew it was so soft. he had the most gorgeous hazel eyes and he was definitely checking you out.

"let him. i'm here with you i'm not going to ditch you on your last day here" you told her, turning away for the incredibly hot stranger.

"no, no, no. go! besides i see a girl i have to get to know before i leave. if you know what i mean" and with that she walked off, leaving you standing there alone.

might as well go talk to him now.
you turned around, making your way over to the stranger.

"hi" you said shyly, you never go up to guys. what are you even supposed to say?

"h-hi. hello" he stuttered. was he nervous?

"your drinks nearly empty, let me buy you a new one" you offered.

"isn't it supposed to be the other way around? i buy the pretty girl a drink?" he asked, suddenly gaining some confidence.

"if you insist" you joked.

he waved the bartender over,
"excuse me, hi. could i get another scotch on the rocks. and.." he looked over at you, waiting for your drink.

"uh- just a rum and coke please" you answered.

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